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The Rich Guy Chronicles (Sony Trinitron)

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Shakedown88   . Aug 14 2008 17:01. Posts 170
The Rich Guy Chronicles
(Sony Trinitron)

I just want to clear something up before I share anymore of my life with you all:

I am not in the business of making enemies.

Yes, I lead a very privileged life and yes, many aspects of my life will seem glamorous to you, but by no means am I trying to throw it in your face. You guys are hard working members of the proletariat and I have so much respect for that; however, I am who I am. My bartender gives me a free pint of Pabst Blue Ribbon on Wednesdays and Subway makes my 11th foot-long for free. I didn’t ask for any of those privileges. It is just part of who I am.

With that little disclaimer out of the way, I want to tell you all about a new purchase that I made.

It is a Sony Trinitron. I got it yesterday and it’s really cool. The guy on Craiglist said the TV’s retail value when it first was produced was almost 1200 American dollars. There are a lot of options and extra features that come with the TV. For example, it has these digital built-in buttons so that if you can’t find your remote, you can change the channel right on the TV. It’s a very convenient feature.

Also, notice the white shell of the television. People don’t see too many of these because this TV was most likely custom painted, which adds to its original value.

I am also proud to say that this TV isn’t very big. A lot of the plasmas and big-screen TVs these days tend to be cumbersome and large. However, you probably noticed that with trends in technology, advancements have made electronics smaller and smaller. Desktops to laptops, Walkmans to mp3 players, refrigerator to mini-fridge, and so on.

Also, we’ve all heard of plasmas and LCDs, but my TV is listed as an “aperture grille cathode ray tube television.”

I don’t know the science behind this type of technology but the word “grille” is a French variation of “grill.” I assume the manufacturers used a French term to represent the class and sophistication that is associated with this product.

Now, I am really going to enjoy watching the Olympics.

Until next time,

The Rich Guy

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Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. Aug 14 2008 17:05. Posts 4697


Highcard   Canada. Aug 14 2008 17:09. Posts 5428

at least the room looks semi decent, hopefully there will be an antique original nintendo hooked up to this thing, because we all know rich people love buying old crap and pretending it has more value

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

CrownRoyal   United States. Aug 14 2008 17:21. Posts 11385


this is quickly becoming my favorite blog on lp


killThemDonks   Canada. Aug 14 2008 17:26. Posts 2681

  On August 14 2008 16:21 CrownRoyal wrote:

this is quickly becoming my favorite blog on lp

SIG1   United States. Aug 14 2008 17:59. Posts 651


TheTrees   United States. Aug 14 2008 18:28. Posts 1592

ahhahahahah 5/5

Yugless    United States. Aug 14 2008 18:41. Posts 7174

still tingling

Baal - look is talking hah.  

Yugless    United States. Aug 14 2008 18:41. Posts 7174

since bynesam stopped blogging this is the new cool blog

Baal - look is talking hah.  

TheTrees   United States. Aug 14 2008 20:07. Posts 1592

can we discuss the sturdiness of the captain morgan box?

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Aug 14 2008 23:49. Posts 5647

I lol'd

lachlan   Australia. Aug 19 2008 09:06. Posts 6991

hahahha n1

full ring 


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