lazymej   Canada. Aug 26 2008 22:49. Posts 2897
Well I haven't really played for the past 1 and a half months cos I went on vacation. Awesome vacation. Anyways.. I've played a few sessions in the last few days. Been doing decently at NL10, but when I play NL25 I'm losing. Been trying to get my game up to scratch (not playing for 6+ weeks really made me super newb again). Today I played really well.. Made 6.5BI in about 1k hands. But after that I started playing like shit and was spewing really bad.. Started making dumb calls and trying stupid bluffs ofc. So I ended up at +2BI. Sigh. At least I know I still have what it takes to win when I'm playing solid postflop.
I'm also quite proud of my stats. Usually I'm playing less than 20 VP and PFR, but today I was well in the 20s. Anyways I'm just going to post a graph because I just started using HEM and am still figuring out how to set the filters.
sexy...then gross:
0 votes
k4ir0s   Canada. Aug 27 2008 00:56. Posts 3478
yea everyone has a hard time moving from NL10 - NL25, you'll get there eventually
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
lachlan   Australia. Aug 27 2008 06:49. Posts 6991