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The Rich Guy Chronicles (Generosity)

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Shakedown88   . Sep 05 2008 08:03. Posts 170
The Rich Guy Chronicles

Hi everyone. It's good to be back. I recently went on a vacation to a luxurious beach resort in Wilmington, North Carolina. The beaches were beautiful and the resort was amazing. When I go on vacation, I always make a point not to spare any expenses. For example, on the last day of my vacation, I tipped the waiter at the local TGI Fridays a generous 17% instead of my standard 10%. But anyway, enough about my vacation.

I was eating lunch yesterday when a thought dawned on me. Most blue-collar workers, farmers, and low-stake poker grinders probably have no clue about the kinds of food that the affluent members of society eat. This is a perfect opportunity for me to showcase a typical meal in my life. Now, there isn’t anything extraordinary about the type of food that I eat. Like you, I probably eat my fair share of sandwiches, salads, pizza, etc. The main difference between my food and your food can be found in the quality of the ingredients.

Cereal is a food that I can enjoy anytime during the day. However, there’s a clear difference between eating the cereal on the left, and eating the generic filth on the right. Name brand food items are expensive for a reason, and I don’t settle for anything less.

One of my favorite dishes is my original Meat and Mustard Sandwich . I start with the bread. Most people lean towards the bread on the left because it is a great deal, but these “great deals” imply that the bread is not as fresh as the kind on the right, which is what I always get.

Next, the most important component of the dish is the meat. It really disgusts me that people actually purchase the “meat” on the left and consume it. Seriously, if you’re financially unstable to the point where you’re purchasing prepackaged deli meat, then you might as well have a little pride and refrain from buying meat altogether. Anyway, I use the stuff on the right, and I have a butcher who slices the meat wafer thin just for me.

I don’t think I need to explain the next ingredient. I simply will not have any other alternative.

Put everything together and we have a delicious, gourmet, sandwich.

So a couple weekends ago, my good friend Eric came to visit (I think he posts on liquidpoker under the name northface or peaches or something). Anyway, this guy has a hard life, and bless his heart, he’s doing his best to make ends meet. Not too long ago, he was riddled with debt and completely homeless. I took him in and allowed him to stay in my closet free of charge for a month. These days, his financial situation has stabilized and he’s eating better as well. For the longest time he would have watered-down rice porridge and old bagels for every meal. Anyway, Eric had a great time hanging out with me. Needless to say, the guy ate like a king. He’s not used to such great food so after I picked him up from the bus station, I had some of my famous gourmet sandwiches prepared and ready for him. Seeing him this happy really makes my day.

I've always believed that the financially blessed members of society have the burden and the duty to help the less fortunate because honestly, we are the only individuals who are capable of helping. Many people expect something in return for their generosity: a reward, compensation, or recognition.


The look on Eric’s face is enough compensation for me.

Until next time,

The Rich Guy

*****1 votes
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AcroN   Norway. Sep 05 2008 08:16. Posts 568

I approve of this blog

anon   Lithuania. Sep 05 2008 08:30. Posts 5965

what the fuck

Doyle Brunson: Fights with your wife or girlfriend are not healthy for you bank roll 

H_   New Zealand. Sep 05 2008 08:34. Posts 159


lachlan   Australia. Sep 05 2008 08:38. Posts 6991

hahahhaahhahaha :D

full ring 

rogier   Netherlands. Sep 05 2008 08:52. Posts 1528

hilarious approved

k4ir0s   Canada. Sep 05 2008 08:52. Posts 3478


I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

Hornem15   . Sep 05 2008 09:09. Posts 10

10% is awful. 20% is standard

JYang   United States. Sep 05 2008 09:39. Posts 2669


Yugless    United States. Sep 05 2008 09:56. Posts 7174


Baal - look is talking hah.  

iop   Sweden. Sep 05 2008 12:46. Posts 4951

hahah this is great

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

killThemDonks   Canada. Sep 11 2008 21:21. Posts 2681



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