So as you saw in my previous blogpost, I finally had a winning NL50 session! Played a few more sessions with good results too. Last one was kind of iffy though.. card dead mostly and lots of suckouts so I ended up breaking even. As long as I'm not losing, it's all good. My stats actually ended up quite nitty because towards the end of all the sessions I just wasn't getting good hands anymore and found it hard to open much. Which is also why I ended up finishing those sessions. But for most of the session I found myself playing around 22/18 which is nice.
Anyway, feels good to be winning again and I trust it shall continue this way And I really need to stop making donk plays at all because it hurts my winrate. I could be up like $400 for the day which is absolutely sick obv but I donked some of it off. We live and learn.
Graphs, tables and stuff:
18.7 BB/100!!! (was 20+ before that last session):
Stats (7 hours = hardcore grinder?):
Day graph (listed as over 2 days because I played past midnight):
Lifetime graph..God it feels good to be on the climb again :D