k2o4   United States. Oct 11 2008 12:55. Posts 4803
Reposting this cause in this time of nonstop smears it's nice to seem some positive images.
Cool video with a bunch of behind the scenes footage at the DNC showing Barack/Biden/Michelle when they're off stage. Some of it's boring but skip around and check it out - about 9 minutes in there's a fun spot with Barack and Michelle backstage goofing off.
0 votes
MezmerizePLZ   United States. Oct 12 2008 02:02. Posts 2598
ownage blog keep it up
k2o4   United States. Oct 12 2008 02:51. Posts 4803
<3 clay ^^
Tycho   Netherlands. Oct 12 2008 03:21. Posts 1553
yea nice blog, been reading it
is it really that black and white by the way?
McCain and Palin just seem like an epic fail, while you portrait Obama as a perfect man
just your personal preference or is McCain really that retarded?
Poker is fun.
MezmerizePLZ   United States. Oct 12 2008 03:54. Posts 2598
On October 12 2008 02:21 Tycho wrote:
yea nice blog, been reading it
is it really that black and white by the way?
McCain and Palin just seem like an epic fail, while you portrait Obama as a perfect man
just your personal preference or is McCain really that retarded?
k2o4's blog is definitely biased, but based on the knowledge i have, which is probably pretty shitty and i dont think any voters can truly be informed since wtf do we know about the peoples economic policys and shit?
but based on the knowledge i have gained imo obama is the better choice. although mccain doesn't seem bad to me tbh, but i dislike that he chose palin and i think palin is terrible
k2o4   United States. Oct 12 2008 12:08. Posts 4803
On October 12 2008 02:21 Tycho wrote:
yea nice blog, been reading it
is it really that black and white by the way?
McCain and Palin just seem like an epic fail, while you portrait Obama as a perfect man
just your personal preference or is McCain really that retarded?
Yeah I'm definitely biased, i admit that, though I don't think I'm HORRIBLY biased. I just don't bother to spend time posting to highlight anything good mccain/palin do, though I read about it and know about it and give em credit in my head. But I already make like 3-5 blog posts a day just to highlight the good things I see Obama do (which is more frequent and of better quality imo) and the bad things mcpalin does (again, higher frequency and more extreme imo) so there's not really time to be adding in the lighter side of McPalin.
I have disagreed with Obama in the past and know he's not perfect. 2 examples would be his vote on the FISA bill and his attack ad against mccain for social security. But when I do a side by side comparison of obama/biden vs mcain/palin the few bad obama things get cancelled out by equally bad mccain things, and then all i have left is good obama things and there's still lot's of bad mccain things going on.
If this was 8 years ago and we had the old mccain, I'd be much more supportive of him. But I feel like he sold out and became a right wing nutcase.