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Need to stop withdrawing money

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Sheitan   Canada. Oct 14 2008 16:59. Posts 4217
only PS:

Credit status Report for 'Achou'
Date/Time Type TransId Amount Descriptor
VISA #4***********xxxx
2/14/2007 5:14:44 AM Dep 69613012 40.00 CAD ($34.22) PStars
8/29/2007 5:56:18 PM Dep 97226303 $84.58 PStars
10/25/2007 12:51:44 PM Red 106489782 $-269.68 PStars
11/1/2007 11:16:02 AM Dep 107836358 340.00 CAD ($357.81) PStars
11/11/2007 5:30:41 AM Red 109288720 -565.71 CAD ($-600.00) PStars
1/28/2008 10:14:28 PM Red 124997510 -403.56 CAD ($-400.00) PStars
3/20/2008 11:07:06 AM Red 136987081 -297.59 CAD ($-300.00) PStars
4/30/2008 10:54:39 PM Red 145980517 -151.85 CAD ($-150.00) PStars
5/5/2008 4:46:50 PM Red 146949349 -153.03 CAD ($-150.00) PStars
5/30/2008 4:48:25 PM Red 152088400 -793.16 CAD ($-800.00) PStars
7/27/2008 4:30:15 PM Red 163893031 -764.92 CAD ($-750.00) PStars
8/24/2008 4:29:58 PM Red 170095636 -523.75 CAD ($-500.00) PStars
9/2/2008 3:42:59 PM Red 172080709 -1,067.20 CAD ($-1,000.00) PStars
10/11/2008 1:46:01 PM Red 180862723 -1,173.50 CAD ($-1,000.00) PStars
NETELLER #4*******xxxx
2/2/2007 5:12:51 PM Dep 68240822 60.00 CAD ($50.68)

Total Player Balance: $-5,392.39

How can you build a BR if you withdraw everything from it ? My wife is a leech i shouldn't have told her about my poker winnings she really thinks it's ez money, everytime we have en extra charge, she asks me to cash out some money. i think i must be like -10k if you combine FTP + Live.

It's definitly not a lot of money but this is the money i needed to grind NL200 .... Now im rebuilding for the 10th time, fuck me.

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Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 14/10/2008 17:02

Shenny   Canada. Oct 14 2008 17:02. Posts 1514

i got 99 problems

rS.Wisdom[9]   United States. Oct 14 2008 17:15. Posts 1288

sounds like you might benefit from dividing up who pays what. you pay for your stuff, she pays for hers, and you split the rest. stand up to her! (easier said than done)

Sheitan   Canada. Oct 14 2008 17:24. Posts 4217

This is weird Wisdom, as europeans she's my wife and we only have 1 bank account and we pay for both of us, i often heard this even in Canada and i just can't understand this concept (no offense bro) of her paying for her stuff and me paying for mine. Maybe i'll understand when she'll ask for divorce LEWL ! So far it's me who's paying for her studies and 80% of our money comes from me maybe im getting scammed a la Logiabs and she'll be gone with my BR soon, dunno ...

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

Tycho   Netherlands. Oct 14 2008 18:20. Posts 1553

love makes a man blind

Poker is fun. 

Misjka   Netherlands. Oct 14 2008 18:48. Posts 266

Sounds like a weird situation man. Maybe you should start explaining her what the whole concept of a BR is?
I did this to my gf (soon-to-be-wife) and she's totally happy with it. I just told her I'd cash out a set monthly amount that I hope would build up gradually when reaching higher limits, but that wouldn't really cut into my bankroll and allows me to build it up. She has studied finance herself so she totally understands about working capital and stuff.

I mean, basically, if ur a winning 200nl player, it shouldnt hurt you to cash out 1 or 2k monthly. She will know beforehand that you will cash this out as a poker salary and it stops there.

Give them some rules, or bitches will run over ya

whamm!   Albania. Oct 14 2008 18:58. Posts 11625

if she's still hot and worth the money, it's ok really, wife happy, life happy lolol

Sheitan   Canada. Oct 14 2008 19:13. Posts 4217

LOL yeah she's still hot (30 years old) !

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

devon06atX   Canada. Oct 14 2008 19:14. Posts 5459

--- Nuked ---

eightfourO   United States. Oct 14 2008 19:35. Posts 820

  On October 14 2008 16:02 Shenny wrote:
i got 99 problems

but a bitch ain't one.

I am a god damn Rootin Tootin Shootin Cowboy!! 

eightfourO   United States. Oct 14 2008 19:37. Posts 820

tell her u quit poker.
"hunnny i see u w/ 10K on tha table ur on!"
"play monies go back to sleepz"

I am a god damn Rootin Tootin Shootin Cowboy!! 

RaiZ   France. Oct 14 2008 19:40. Posts 1503

Yeah but it never works like we want it to. But given that you're both 30 yo i guess you've known eachother enough to make a common bank account...
Definitely tell her how the BR works though.

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 

MilZo   France. Oct 14 2008 23:14. Posts 1333

tell her that if you don't cashout for a while, your hourly winrate will increase a lot, that'll appeal to her

S1KLYF, this is the profession we chose 


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