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NL25 sucks

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Into Infinity   United States. Oct 18 2008 20:06. Posts 1884
4 hour break even session...started the day off losing 5 BIs, had to rebuild all day. so gay. i got mad at a hand and threw my some hair gel that was on my desk at the wall, so now my room smells like gel because it went everywhere =[ tilt tilt

oh well, could've been worse. released another $20 from the bonus and also FINALLY started getting rakeback

little big planet gets delayed.. pretty weak, but at the same time, i'm still finishing up Tales of Vesperia for 360 so at least i got more time to finish it

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bane   United States. Oct 18 2008 21:42. Posts 2379

keep it positiveeee and random with the hair gel?


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