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What I learned today

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auffenpuffer   Finland. Oct 28 2008 00:46. Posts 1429
Today I ran really bad for a moment so - to make sure I keep perspective right when feeling bad about losing 3 buyins - I went to read older posts of asdf2000's blog.
There I came across with this gem, by ballad:

  inviting death upon yourself is a terrible idea, btw. This is a really fucking awesome time to be alive. People used to wipe their asses with leaves and shit, they didn't even have cable TV or the internet, nobody had time to do anything but work hard and try to stay alive, but we live in a period of time where we can create flashy fun stuff like music and comedy and Youtube and play games and communicate with each other anywhere at any time across the globe and take pictures of outer space, we get to experience all that, and you get to experience all that whether you're running hot in poker or not.

And it's all on its way out, our sources of energy are non-renewable and we've got thousands of horrible bombs that could completely destroy the world and make it uninhabitable, and all humans are putting all kinds of pollutants into the sky and making our environment and weather less stable. There's all kinds of stuff on the horizon that's gonna throw humanity back into "working hard to survive 24/7" mode, I'm not saying it'll happen soon, probably long after we're gone hundreds of years from now, but it's happening.

Where we're living right now, our stage in time, is near the peak of civilization and technology, and it's a very small window. Of all the billions of years this planet has been in orbit around the sun, during the very small amount of that time that this planet has been able to support life, and during this tiny, tiny window of only a few hundred years where we are at the very peak of our advancement as a species, where our civilization and our technology has reached a level where an easy and happy and fun life couldn't be easier to achieve... it's in that window of a few hundred years, out of billions, that you get to spend your entire life.

Funny how its possible hear in school for 5 years that everything in past times sucked and bad but to never really understand it ^^

Of course ones happines clearly is not only about material needs but at least we are a generation with freedom never seen before. (or at least we lucky rich white kids)

EDIT: omg i hate my life so much, the title should have been "I learned something today" instead of that shit, asdfsfasdf and now i cant change it

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 Last edit: 28/10/2008 00:48


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