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Do not Trust Drudge

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k2o4   United States. Oct 31 2008 23:39. Posts 4803
One of my favorite right wing conservative christian republican friends told me that he reads Drudge every day cause it's a good news source. I never bothered to check it before that. Recently I started checking it on occassion to try and get a view from the other side, and man, is it EVER the other side. Often it's on the other side of reality, like what I found today:

So I'm like "WTF when did that happen?" and I go to gallup and see this:

And I check Real Clear Politics (slight republican leaning site) and see this:

And to finish it off I checked, a bipartisan site that has a very good interpretation of the polls and saw this for the national tracking polls:

I've seen a lot of little things on Drudge over the last few weeks that made me laugh cause it felt very biased, but this was the final straw to push me over the edge and determine that Drudge is full of shit and totally focused on SPINNING everything in favor of the right.

This is his BIGGEST headline and it doesn't even link to anything! It's not explained. He doesn't bother to mention the fact that Zogby has been polling to the right for the entire election cause they are putting an equal # of republicans and democrats in their sample sizes even though there's a lot more dems registered than repubs. Also, in polling it's all about AVERAGES, so looking at 1 outlier poll out of all that came out in 1 day is pretty stupid. If we want to play that game I can point to the 13 point lead that CBS gave Obama yesterday. But it's obviously an outlier and much bigger than reality, so I'm not going to run around blasting "13 POINT LEAD FOR OBAMA!" in all bold caps.

Lastly, if you look at the RCP and polls from today they have Zogby in there, and it has Obama as +7. So this means that Drudge found some sort of internal in the Zogby poll that probably had a huge republican lean and was very innacurate, and then chose to use that number as his front page lead. What a deceptive douche bag.

So Drudge has lost all credibility in my book, and people who tell me that they check him religiously and actually believe his spin are people who I won't take seriously. I can still like them as a person to hang out and BS with, but they're never gonna be able to convince me to listen to them about politics.

That means, yes Brian, I still <3 you =)

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lachlan   Australia. Nov 01 2008 00:08. Posts 6991

lol k2o4 check this out i found it at that drudge site

  On October 31 2008 22:39 Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger wrote:
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AFP) – Muscleman-turned-actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger called on Barack Obama to beef up his his policies -- and his body -- at a high-voltage campaign rally for Republican John McCain Friday.

Schwarzenegger, the Hollywood action hero who is now the Republican governor of California, delighted a crowd of several thousand at a McCain campaign event in Ohio by ridiculing both Obama's policies and his slender physique.

The Austrian-born former Mr Universe has hosted a bodybuilding tournament in Columbus for several years, and opened his address by inviting Obama to participate in the next event.

"Every year in March I come here to organize the Arnold Classic, which is all about building the body and pumping," Schwarzenegger said.
"That's why I want to invite Senator Obama because he needs to do something about those skinny legs. I'm going to make him do some squats.

"And then we're going to make him do some biceps curls to beef up those scrawny little arms. But if he could only do something about putting some meat on his ideas.

"Senator McCain on the other hand is built like a rock. His character and his views are solid."


full ringLast edit: 01/11/2008 00:16

Roto   United States. Nov 01 2008 00:11. Posts 264

  On October 31 2008 23:08 lachlan wrote:
lol k2o4 check this out i found it at that drudge site

Show nested quote +

hahahaha is that real? Arnold is awesome :D

AKA Rotodyne on TeamliquidLast edit: 01/11/2008 00:11

rgfdxm   United States. Nov 01 2008 00:39. Posts 1514

Drudge never had any credibility to lose.

k2o4   United States. Nov 01 2008 01:07. Posts 4803

roflmao! go arnold, that's hilarious =) 

Moffa   United States. Nov 01 2008 02:43. Posts 617

Read the actual page man, Zogby is a one day poll.

Drudge links to credible sources for his news, it would be different if he linked to pages he writes himself.

Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

k2o4   United States. Nov 01 2008 12:15. Posts 4803

  On November 01 2008 01:43 Moffa wrote:
Read the actual page man, Zogby is a one day poll.

Drudge links to credible sources for his news, it would be different if he linked to pages he writes himself.

I read the page and there was nothing in there linking to the 1 day zogby poll. And like I'm not saying he made up a poll number, I'm saying he's picking outliers and screaming to the heavens that they actually mean something. I don't think you understood what I was saying, or you don't understand how polling works, or you didn't bother to read my post. Either way you're missing the point - drudge is spinning and being extremely deceptive when he makes a post like that.

Also I'm not saying he doesn't link to credible sources, I'm saying he writes his own headlines and he WRITES MISLEADING DECEPTIVE HEADLINES WITH SPIN!

EDIT: when I took the SS, as you can see, the title was not a link. Now it is a link but it links to a report that DOES NOT HAVE MCCAIN WINNING 48-47. At least I can't find it anywhere in that report.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 01/11/2008 12:19

k2o4   United States. Nov 01 2008 12:21. Posts 4803

Nate silver of wrote:

  Matt Drudge is touting the results of a one-day sample in a Zogby poll, which apparently showed John McCain ahead by 1 point.

There are a couple of significant problems with this.

Firstly, there is a reason that pollsters include multiple days of interviewing in their tracking polls; a one-day sample is extremely volatile, and have very high margins for error.

Secondly, the Zogby polls have been particularly volatile, because he uses nonsensical party ID weightings, which mean that his weighting process involves making numbers doing naughty things that they usually don't like to do.

Thirdly, Zogby polls are generally a lagging rather than a leading indicator. This is because he splits his interviewing period over two days; most of the interviews that were conducted in this sample took place on Thursday night, with a few this afternoon. The reason this is significant is because lots of other pollsters were in the field on Thursday night, and most of them evidently showed good numbers for Obama, as he improved his standing in 6 of the 7 non-Zogby trackers.

Finally, there was no favorable news for McCain to drive these numbers. Polls don't move without a reason (or at least they don't move much).

So go out to your Halloween parties and enjoy yourself, and we'll be back to covering the polls for you tomorrow.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 01/11/2008 12:21


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