k2o4   United States. Nov 05 2008 04:30. Posts 4803
Then I have to justify that comment.
I first met Logan in 3rd grade. He was known as "Dumbo" because his ears stuck out like he could take flight at any moment. In 5th grade he had surgery on his ears and thereforthe become Logan. My girlfriend in 8th grade dumped me to date him for 2 weeks and then dump him. I was heartbroken.
By 9th grade (Freshman year in highschool) we were great friends, and we've stayed close ever since. In 2004 we were roomates and he was supporting Bush while I wanted Kerry. We had many a fight but maintained our friendship. Now we're both 25 and he has gone from being a real estate agent to running his own energy drink company. It's a small business but he's making much more than I do and he's still very Republican.
Now this is where we get back to my argument. I love Logan and would do anything I could to help him out, but I also think he's a selfish prick and I've told him so to his face. I've mocked his business which is a huge rip off and he's flat out admitted I was right. That's why I love him - he doesn't buy his own BS. I hate that he's fucking idiots over, but at least he doesn't think he's noble.
He decided to vote for McCain because he thought he'd get a better tax break from the Republican side of the ticket. As I've learned from TenBagger, most likely he'd only save $300 under McCain cause he's not making big bank right now. This is why I say that McCain got the "Selfish" votes - they didn't research it hard and any amount over 0 in extra taxes is too much for them.
Next let's go with a guy I met while canvassing for Obama. I knocked on a door looking for a 47 yr old Male named John who had told us he was leaning McCain the last time we talked to him. A ~20 yr old male answered the door, and when I asked for John and explained the past relationship, he told me that he hopes "Obama dies", and asked me why I supported Obama. I asked why he supported McCain and he said "Gimme 3 minutes and you will be a McCain supporter". His first talking point was "Obama hates my mom cause she's white". He followed it up with "Obama is a terrorist" and closed with "Obama wants to raise my taxes". This was almost funny coming from a guy who's family, by the look of his house, would be really lucky to break 60k a year.
We got into a 45 minute conversation where I slowly and kindly corrected him on his BS. He justified the "white hate" by Reverend Wright. I explained that all of my best friends, people I grew up with since 3rd grade and who I'd die for, all voted Bush and are supporting McCain. I pointed out the fact that even though they are the people I spend the most time with, the ones I go out and drink with, the ones who I think of as brothers, I totally 200% disagree with them on political policy issues. If I ran for president as a Liberal and people tried to say I was a right wing Republican because my best friends thought that way, it would be a load of BS, because I don't agree with them at all. The ability to still be friends with them DESPITE our disagreements was a sign of strength, not of weakness. He agreed.
I went on to deal with all of his points in a similar matter, and at the end we shook hands he he told me that even though we were voting for different people, we were still "Americans" and that's what mattered most. I agreed with him wholeheartedly and though he started with a death threat to my candidate, we ended as friends who respected each others beliefs while disagreeing.
I truly believe that if I spent a month with him, 24/7, going over non partisan sites like FactCheck.org and so on, we'd find even more common ground and he'd probably support Obama. He'd been so pumped full of fear by Fox news that a rational conversation was hard for him to achieve.
Now when we take this HUGE FUCKING OBAMA LANDSLIDE (HHHHEELLLZZ YYYEEAA!!!) into account, I think we can definitely say that the ignorant BS and selfish shit finally lost. I'm proud of my country for that and I'm extremely happy to be someone who's blogged for this change over the last 10 months. Thanks to EVERYBODY who has shown support to my blog, and a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who voted Obama. We're on our way to real change!
EDIT: And for fun, a funny video sent to me by a friend taking Dr. Seuss look at Palin:
0 votes
Last edit: 05/11/2008 16:13
RS_II   United States. Nov 05 2008 04:40. Posts 748
gg no re
SKoT: I got 99 problems and a bitch aint 1
k2o4   United States. Nov 05 2008 04:42. Posts 4803
On November 05 2008 03:40 RS_II wrote:
gg no re
god that's so well said, haha, now I feel stupid for not putting that in the original post. How the fuck did I miss classic BW shit talking?!?!?!!? garrrhh!
lebowski   Greece. Nov 05 2008 04:51. Posts 9205
lol k2o4 I think every time Obama screws up the lp community is going to pm you for explanations
new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man...
Silver_nz   New Zealand. Nov 05 2008 04:56. Posts 5647
lol i was waiting for this blogpost. good work xD
remember87   Sweden. Nov 05 2008 05:04. Posts 521
nice coverage k2o4 along the campain! congratulations to Obama too!
Vegetarian - an old indian word for ”bad hunter”
k2o4   United States. Nov 05 2008 05:19. Posts 4803
On November 05 2008 03:51 lebowski wrote:
lol k2o4 I think every time Obama screws up the lp community is going to pm you for explanations
I'm hoping to blog post my criticism / or explanation before I get the PM's, but I will be glad to field em and try my damndest to be objective =)
On November 05 2008 03:56 Silver)Z( wrote:
lol i was waiting for this blogpost. good work xD
hahah <3 sry it was so late, I was out drinking and then once the bar closed, I was trying to buy beer but no one would sell to me. my goal was to get so drunk that I couldn't walk upstairs to my bedroom but the fucking liquor laws ruined that, hehe.
On November 05 2008 04:04 remember87 wrote:
nice coverage k2o4 along the campain! congratulations to Obama too!
Thanks man, I really appreciate that. I've tried to do as much as I could and it seems to have paid off - he got elected! hehe ^^
I really expected to make more enemies than friends by talking politics in my blog, but I got really lucky to find such a great group of people here @ LP. That includes McCain supporters, cause a lot of them have disagreed respectfully and fostered interesting conversation. And the people who have shared my views and showed support in comments gave me the momentum to keep going, and often linked me to fun video's or articles which I'd missed. Blogging this election on LP has been on truly awesome and I really want to thank everyone who's taken the time to read my posts and make comments =)
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Nov 05 2008 05:43. Posts 5113
Congratulations !
I even felt some tears myself when I heard his victory speach. This election is important also for a lot of people in Norway
skorc   Slovenia. Nov 05 2008 07:29. Posts 200
Not only Norway... Gratz Obama!
SakiSaki   Sweden. Nov 05 2008 07:36. Posts 9687
congrats on a job well done!
what wackass site is this nigga?
CCMoz   United Kingdom. Nov 05 2008 07:51. Posts 925
what does the pink state represent? - one above Florida (?)
my balls your mouth
frenchylucky   Finland. Nov 05 2008 08:39. Posts 1788
thanks for the blog k204
I was playing poker with tarot cards the other night. I got a full house and four people died. WTF...welcome to finland...
LazyFisH   Australia. Nov 05 2008 08:44. Posts 686
That's his victory speech from the Iowa Caucus, you should replace it with his election victory speech in Chigago.
Last edit: 05/11/2008 08:45
k2o4   United States. Nov 05 2008 16:14. Posts 4803
Thanks lazyfish - I was drunk and exhausted last night and made a mistake on the video, lolz.
The pink state was georgia which only barely went to mccain or something like that.
Last edit: 05/11/2008 16:15
reggiemiles   United States. Nov 05 2008 19:11. Posts 133