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TenBagger   United States. Nov 27 2008 01:31. Posts 2018
95.77 bb/100 sustainable?

I also picked up 1000 shares of UYG monday morning @ $4.25 a share. It is now at 6 bucks thx to the US gov't and Carlos Slim.

I also found a 20 dollar bill walking home today in the park. And so I stopped by the bodega and used that money to buy 20 lotto tickets to the mega millions. one time!

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terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 27 2008 01:33. Posts 13829

lol sick run

winning at life is clearly your thing ><

 Last edit: 27/11/2008 01:34

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Nov 27 2008 04:10. Posts 5647

o.o why did you buy that stock in particular?

congrats on your win too

matdon460   United States. Nov 27 2008 04:18. Posts 1089

congrats, also that documentary was awesome, tyvm.

Of course it was a good shove, I won 

Babs   Australia. Nov 27 2008 04:26. Posts 1178

You should have used a CFD, a lot more +EV

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napolean BonaparteLast edit: 27/11/2008 04:31

TenBagger   United States. Nov 27 2008 10:51. Posts 2018

  On November 27 2008 03:26 Babs wrote:
You should have used a CFD, a lot more +EV

This is in my rollover IRA so there are limitations to what I can buy. In fact, I'm technically not allowed to buy on margin but the UYG ETF gets around that and I can lever x2.


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