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Day 2: the red line

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TheView   United States. Nov 27 2008 21:19. Posts 90
ok before i post my earning for the day, I would like to say that I am very fortunate to end the day up. I did not play well at all and definately spewed a ton. I have found that one of the biggest leaks in my game right now is postflop play. I'm not very good at picking spots to take pots away postflop, so I'm going to have to work really hard to get better at that. I realized this coming into the day and to be honest, i probably got caught up in trying to win too many hands postflop. And I know in one hand I 3bet and called a shove w/ KK on a flop vs a very passive player who C/R me ( the board had tons of 2 pair/straight/possible sets on it ).
I should be up probably 2-3 more buy-ins for the day with as well as a ran.

On a positive note, I did play more today than I did yesterday. Although, I'd probably still like to play about 6 hrs per day while I'm learning the game. (link to my earnings)

PS: I'm not very computer saavy, so can someone tell me how to post a pic of my stats instead of the link?
Also, when I update tomorrow I think I'm gonna post some hands that I had trouble with/played incorrectly the past couple of days.

Thanks for reading. GL in life and poker

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 Last edit: 27/11/2008 21:20

PplusAD   Germany. Nov 27 2008 21:23. Posts 7180

use the image next to teh spade

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)Last edit: 27/11/2008 21:24

MayZerG   United Kingdom. Nov 27 2008 21:49. Posts 2123

I like to hold all the nuts - CrownRoyal 

roflcopter   United States. Nov 28 2008 00:19. Posts 620

maybe I'm blind but I think those pictures are impossible to see

KwarK_uK: and if that was a bluff you deserved the pot for ballernessLast edit: 28/11/2008 00:20


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