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Great Weekend

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TheView   United States. Nov 30 2008 16:11. Posts 90
I havn't played poker since Friday morning, but I plan on playing a few hours today. Saturday, however, was a great day. I was at the Iron Bowl (Alabama vs Auburn game), and Alabama FINALLY beat Auburn after 6 LOOOONNNNGGGG years. The atmosphere at the game was amazing. Mist enveloped the stadium and mythodically rolled over the field for the entire game. There was a light drizzle for most of the game, which was fine because it was a muggy day and the cold rain actually felt kind of good. The 36-0 win felt good, too, obviously.

Saturday night was awesome. I went to a few parties with friends and my girlfriend. Everyone was stoked about the 'bama win so there seemed to be alot fewer people getting into petty fights (like drunk people tend to do at parties). To be honest, I dont really remember what I actually did after midway through the night. I took ~10 shots or so of Skyy before I went out and then drank the hell out of some jager. And I'm pretty sure my night ended after going to Taco Bell. Is it just me or Taco Bell fucking delicious, especially when you're drunk.

Now on to poker. I made a deposit of $500 dollars last week on Tuesday(?). My roll is sitting at $1004.xx right now.

Goals for December:

[ ]Learn to post images correctly (I'm dumb, obv). (big thanks to K2o4 and SpeedyJack for telling me how)
[ ]Get a nice roll for NL100 (I'm hoping I can have around 4k in my BR by the end of the month)
[ ]Fix as many leaks as I can on my postflop play (get my redline into the positive or atleast at 0)
[ ]Play an average of 5-6 hours per day atleast 5 days a week (except possibly the few days around Christmas)
I want to try to get in atleast 60k hands, but to be honest, I would prefer 75k+.

Thanks for reading. Good luck to everyone in life and poker.

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 Last edit: 30/11/2008 16:12

k2o4   United States. Nov 30 2008 17:25. Posts 4803

GL on the goals but don't expect to hit 4k by the end of the month. Definitely possible but probably a little far reaching cause you'll have to be moving up limits and usually kills ur winrate for a bit as you learn the new limit. 

TheView   United States. Nov 30 2008 18:44. Posts 90

Yeah that makes sense. To be honest, I put the goal at 4k moreso to keep myself from getting content because I have a bad habit of getting complacent/lazy when I perceive myself as doing well.


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