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Venrae   United States. Dec 09 2008 02:42. Posts 1545
This was on eof the best nights I've had in a long time.

My friend and I get back from walmart around 10:30. We get back to his place and his roommate who also happens to be a friend of mine is in the living with with his girl who he's on the rocks with (weird story). so we barge in all, "What now fucker, we got Christmas shit". His roommate stops dead in the middle of the conversation and just stares at us with this glint in his eyes. He has something planned and it is going to be amazing. Quick backstory on him; about three weeks ago we rushed a frat around here that is famous for being douches because we got wasted one night and felt like ninja-ing something. Anyway, he's just standing there, staring at us for a good minute; no one has said a word. He looks my friend dead in the eye and says, "We're getting a tree. Tonight." We all look at him like... dude... its 10:30 at night, in Maine. Where the fuck are we going to get a tree. He just keep staring at us like, wtf are you guys waiting for, lets go. That's when we get it. He wants to get cut down a tree, right now.

Fast forward 30 minutes. We're in my jeep, which is a peice of shit, with a 16" bowie, a saws-all with a half dead battery, a flashlight and 3 pairs of work gloves. The only problem is where are we going to find a tree? It's Maine so there are too many options. Eventually we head down a dirt road I used to take to work. Along the way we immediately start finding candidates in the lawns on the side of the road. Eventually it turns to dirt and we're surround by woods. My friends roommate hops out and on top for lookout while I'm coasting down the road. We stop many a time to check out the prospects, but none pass, they're either too small or too sparse. After around the 15th stop the roommates girl yells for us to stop. She's found it. We all look at her like wtf are you looking at? about 30 feet into the woods we see it. This beauty of a tree. A 6 foot white pine. Nicely filled in. A beauty of a tree.

"Grab that fucking saws-all, we're doing it." The three of us hop out, tell the woman to get in the drivers seat and we bolt off into the woods. I have my bowie, my buddy has the light and his roommate has the saws-all. We get up to it and is even better up close. The perfect Maine pine. We clear the dead carasses of what I can only assume were maples and cast the 15' javellines aside and get to work. I hold the light while my friend holds the tree. There is only one problem... the saws-all is not half dead, its fully dead. So we say fuck it and spend about two minutes using the serated side of the bowie to saw it. That's going less than swimmingly. That's when we get an idea. A saws-all is called a saws all for a reason. It's a fucking saw. Who cares if the battery is dead, it runs on elbow grease too. So about 20 seconds later we're sprinting back to the jeep with the pearl of the woods in hand. It's only about 20 years old and light as a feather. so my friends hold it in one hand above his head. We open the trunk and through it in back. In haste we snap off the extra foot from the top to make sure it fits and off we go.

About 200 feet down the road my engine temp is red lining. We hop out and the engine is steaming. It's midnight and around 15 degrees. My engine is smoking. This is not good. Luckily, I had picked up some antifreeze about a week ago and my friend is handy with cars. So we pop the hood and fill the resivoir and the line and pray. Luckily it did the trick and we're off to the homestead.

My friends place has a simple layout, its a duplex and he's on the right side. The entryway is a hallway with the stairs as well. Dead ahead is the kitchen and the living room is on the right. In the back right coner is a small room with nothing in it. Normally its the beer pong (baerue?) room or work room. Now it is the official Christmas room. The tree is dead center and we have the lights. One major problem arises however: we have nothing to decorate it with other than lights, and not tree is complete with just lights. During the manly standing of the tree, the woman has been in the roommates room for quite a while. I'm just starting to download the soundtrack to the amazing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964 edition feat. Burl Ives), and she storms down the stairs demanding we close our eyes and appreciate her hard work. We oblige and moments later we are staring the beginning of a beautiful tree.

Yes. PBR. On a tree. Can it get better. yes it can:[

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Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

WalcottEntp   United States. Dec 09 2008 02:47. Posts 117

I was there and it was EPIC. The car breaking down was interesting. Weren't you glad I was there to save the day? ...and on Thursday we will have more ornaments HURRAY!

Donking is like the Fall Out Boy of the new pokertards. Everyone thinks its sooo cool but theyre just retarded 

SfydjkLm   Belarus. Dec 09 2008 02:55. Posts 3810

thats one ugly tree

*wink wink* 

k2o4   United States. Dec 09 2008 03:10. Posts 4803

I remember when I used to find the idea of having lots of beer / alcohol bottles and boxes around as being a very cool thing, especially if you did something artistic with it. Now it is just mildly amusing. Enjoy it while it lasts, but hopefully it doesn't last too long =) 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Dec 09 2008 05:29. Posts 9685

u guys 14? Sorry but this failed :/

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Moffa   United States. Dec 09 2008 05:36. Posts 617

merry christmas, charlie brown

Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

mellen00   Belgium. Dec 09 2008 07:39. Posts 42

  On December 09 2008 01:55 SfydjkLm wrote:
thats one ugly tree

genjix   China. Dec 09 2008 08:12. Posts 2677

u must have a boring life for this to be a cool story :/ gay tree too

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.Last edit: 09/12/2008 08:15

EscapingR   Netherlands. Dec 09 2008 10:01. Posts 2353

this is the most beautiful christmas tree i have ever seen


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