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One more day

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EXCELED   Canada. Jan 03 2009 12:27. Posts 401
Yep, one more day and Im outta here... here being Cambridge Ontario aka. Lamebridge. I have lived here in Cambridge for a long time. Good place to raise your kids I guess but thats about it lol. 0 bars, 0 anything to do except smoke dope and try to figure out something else to do other then smoking dope but then realizing that there is nothing else to do here lol. I am definitly ready for some change in my life though. I am finally moving out... finally. Im not going to say I am moving out because I dont like my parents or anything because honestly they are the best.

Im moving to London Ontario, home of the London Knights, Western University and Fanshawe College... and not to mention one of the best frosh weeks in Canada. Im pretty excited for this change but at the same time it feels kind of weird knowing that tomorrow I will be living in a completely new city, in a new house, with new people. Plus Im going to be going to back to school again which means homework... ewe. But I gotta get my shit together and work hard towads getting an education. I already tried once but the course I was in just wasnt for me and that year ended up just being a complete waste of time and money. I think Ive learned my lesson from past experiences and this time Im going to do it right.

I have a few friends who live in London. Most of them I know from High school and a few others just from playing sports growing up. Hopefully they can introduce me too some new people (hopefully sexy brods) and show me how to party in this city. Next weekend my buddies girlfriend Michelle is throwing me a little welcoming party lol. Last time I partied with his g/f and her friends I ended up poachin one of em and had the best night Id had in a long time. Hopefully there will be plenty of nights like this to come lol. Its going to be the first week back from chirstmas break so I know everyone is going to be in party mode.

Anyways... onto the poker side of things. I havent been playing much lately because Ive been pretty busy trying to get settled in, hanging out with friends while there home etc. I managed to get in only 450 hands this morning and make around 80BB. Very nice session. It started off kinda shitty and I started thinking man I hope this isnt one of those days lol. But I just plunged through and eventually all those shit players ended up paying me off. Ive only actually played 2.6k hands since I did my big withdrawl and moved down limits but so far Im up 344BB.

Slow and steady wins the race lol. I have a week to do absolutely nothing start Monday so Im going to put in some serious grinding hours. I want to do atleast 1k hands a day and hopefully if everyting goes well this week Ill be able to move up in limits again reaaaaal soon. I want to have atleast 500BB for the next limit. So with that in mind I need to make about another 250 before I can move up. Piece of cake lol.

I gotta go finish packing all my clothes and any other shit that I wanna bring down tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


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