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Into Infinity   United States. Jan 07 2009 04:39. Posts 1884
my last session...really retarded i think - AK v AJ - butchered preflop (time banking on tables), 2 outered on perfect flop - AK v AJ - standard 3 outer from idiot villian doing a brilliant flop call - AK v QQ - losing my only coin flip of the night - J9 - AJ - standard button raise, standard 2nd nuts v nuts, standard FML etc - KJ v AA - i probably should've bet/folded flop or something, villian has been 3 betting me constantly and AA was the last hand i put him on (i put him on AK to be honest). - AQ v T9 - top pair vs pair + straight draw - JQ v AQ - top pair + FD v TPTK, aka i suck ass at value betting rivers - KK v AQ - why are you floating my cbets so often! - Q9 v TJ - horrible turn call probably because i like variance - AA v JJ - standart

super disappointed in this session to be honest, hoping tomorrow will be better.
official stats are +230,59 after 10,529 hands, running 10.93BB/100 since the first of jan.

also i'm playing an incredible crappy 15/11/1.77 (lolololol) until i getback to nl25.

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 Last edit: 07/01/2009 04:45


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