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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 08 2009 17:00. Posts 29
so im gonna put this blog on cardrunners and as well

took a few days off here and there mostly recovering from new years eve. bought myself a camera and few other things.
ive only done about 19k in vpps for the month which is off pace a bit but im planning on doing a few 10-12k vpp sessions in the next week or so to catch up. im down about 1800 bucks in 27k hands.....actually it aint as bad as it should be, been playing way too weak, calling too much preflop out of position, getting bluffed too frequently, and just playing passive in situations i usually pounce.

in nov and dec 08 i basically played a break even style to earn as many vpp as possible so i'm gonna have to readjust a bit.

some hands from today(there were a few that i couldnt find that i should put in, ill try to keep better records of important hands)......
- this guy gets it in weak all the time, normally i would just call to make sure board didnt pair but against him im shoving since he checked flop to me pretty sure he has pair at best. wasnt drawing dead even when board paired but that's omahahahahaha
-kind of went nuts here, non suited double pair......deep stacked here and he three bets out of position all the time, franky, i was just ready to gamble 2 buys with double pair. river stick save. definately dont wanna try that again, but then again call folding on the flop is pretty stupid too.
same guy as the 1st hand.......100 percent sure he has nut clubs when he repots flop, turn no clubs/shove, autocalls and there she blows.
cant blame him, but thats omaha......plenty of those that go my way too so cant complain

there were a lot of interesting hands/spots/pots ect from this session just cant remember all of em

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