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pre BCS championship session

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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 08 2009 21:18. Posts 29
more random hands not all that interesting but im in the green for the year instead of being 9 buys down........think im gonna take a break for the BCS championship game. i personally like the regular season better to see the new rankings and controversy, bowl games are just wutever. notre dame fan unfortunately.
-i blame myself...out of position and against shortstacker(unprofitable in the long run)
-not much but amazed i won, felt like a triple sit n go style knockout
-downside of so many tables(refer to turn min bet)
-hate these spots, generally a break even proposition getting it all in preflop with aces was hoping for fold but with 25% of stack already in there.....netted around a hundi but kind of made me flat call the next one
-in retrospect i shoulda blasted him on preflop, but was nearing the end of my session so made a wuss flat call plus i knew he was calling a 100% if i repotted, didnt think sb was shoving there.....thought i was beat for sure.
-slow playing is for suckers! mighta worked out for better though.....

lame full ring stats are in red, but ill take the plus +12ish buy session

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NeillyJQ   United States. Jan 08 2009 21:19. Posts 8947


Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 edit: 08/01/2009 21:20

ohsospiffay   . Jan 08 2009 21:20. Posts 45

nice work

iop   Sweden. Jan 09 2009 01:24. Posts 4951

3 blog updates in a day

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 


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