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need to shape up!

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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 10 2009 18:31. Posts 29
trying to get back into mental shape to play 20+ tables for more than 6 hours at a time. been making some pretty bad mistakes recently. what should be a 10+ buyin session turns into -2 to +2 session. although my aggressiveness has picked up from the breakeven bs playing i was doing, im still making too many mistakes(small and large) to actually be making any substantial money. also been getting 3 betted all over the place, lol probably deserve it, i played so nitty in nov and dec. other than that fpps are coming in super fast so breaking even is actually winning. in the end its all about money, right? haha it makes me feel better to put it that way.
-kind of scratching my head on this one......i purposely flat call to get almost exact situation i got on flop. i see comments about 4 betting it but this guy is clearly not folding to a 4 bet, had a few big pots with him previous to this one.
i see it like this
situation 1)i 4 bet he'll probably call/shove or just get it in since his hand is ideal to put up against aces.
situation 2) flat call shove on his cont bet. i just cant see how he even might be thinking he's live with a drawless board and a reraise with mid pair.
-frustrating but i still shoved on the turn. losing play for him in the long run :shrug:
-not something i do regularly.....severe position disadvantage too. i shove here against twosevoff cuz well its twosevoff. i have him beat here most the time. 10,7 diamonds snap calls and so do jacks. lol shoot me. even when they called i felt like i was still winning.
-pretty bad suckout, thought i just had to dodge kqj109 to win here. u lose some/win some. i was getting pretty sick of getting 3 betted by this guy too.
-random freerolled. just cuz it was the straight flush, i post.
-i hate myself....everytime im trying to end a session i go do something ridiculous. i was thinking deep stack.......let me try to check this, of course he hits and i blow up on the river and shove. no excuse!

around 33k vpp off pace by 22k (should be at 55k right now) ill put in some longer sessions next few weeks so i can have some time off for superbowl and birthday.

jill can be partially blamed for last hand, i was getting pressure to drink beer and watch bal/ten. snowing in NY should be a fun night out.

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