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short session

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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 15 2009 15:45. Posts 29
feeling a lot better physically but still a little uncomfort. did a short session, should've been 20+ buys but had a run of pretty bad luck towards the end(plus the command center was putting me to sleep).
-running good
-most players would raise here on the flop........however original raiser pretty much only plays strong hands. the way he had been playing i was sure on either kings or k,j AT LEAST so potentially drawing dead on turn/8 outs(against a set) minus whatever spades the others are holding is not a proposition i like. previous to this he would never bet pot unless he was incredibly strong. turns out he even had a straight draw with it too. dream catcher plays incredibly loose and aggressive, and judging by the other hands i had been in with him, he severely over values his hands. he bets pot on turn with the ace making Broadway........first raiser's flat call makes me suspect that he has a set(not the straight). board fills me up on river but still not an easy call at the river. i actually gave folding a thought for a hot second here because of flat call on turn, but folding is not all that appealing here either.
-running well.......i think i have the best hand here on the turn, was expecting him to have 7,8,10/flush draw type of hand. honestly, the blames on him. turn created two flush draws along with a plethora of straight draws and he half pots here(although the argument could be made that half pot is not a bad bet here), but i don't know why he bets so little out of position against such a draw heavy board and lol he just flat calls with 30 bucks behind. i guess in retrospect, he's losing most his money either way.

going to play a bit.......i'll try to remember to post more hands that involve more intricate problems and theory questions(but they're boring anyway lol)

on a side , played some FTP plo 10-50. i got sat out like 40 times cuz the dont blink there screens like Pstars. down to 35 bucks! had it to like 120 at one point but i had some crazy hand at plo50 that went like k k q 4 clubs with board of k 7 6 2 clubs all in flop against 6,6,8,10..........turn 8 river 9. even though its minuscule stakes, there is a bit of excitement of playing on a different site. so i have a little plan for FTP........
i'm going to go a bit old school here and totally grind my roll up.
Currently $35.10(plus 25 bucks in releasable bonuses WOOHOO)
Rules reloading/trading
2.must have 4 buyins of whatever level
3.must play quarter of bankroll at all times (when it drops blow go down levels) more than 2 tables at a time
it'll sort of be like STEPS sng......
gonna start at .05/.10 (round up my 35 to 40)
at $100 .1/.25
$400 .5/1
$800 1/2
$1600 2/4
$2400 3/6
$4000 5/10
$8000 10/20
$20000 25/50
$40000 100/200
$80000 200/400
$400000 500/1000

hahahhahhahaha........easy game right? doubt i'll even make it to .1/.25 lolol but playing cash games tourney style(waiting for high percentage double ups) shall be interesting. probably wasting valuable stars time but what the hell, im bored!

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killThemDonks   Canada. Jan 16 2009 23:51. Posts 2681

 Last edit: 17/01/2009 01:54


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