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move up imo + other stuff

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Into Infinity   United States. Jan 16 2009 22:42. Posts 1884

still playing super tight for 6max, PT says i'm running 15/12. most of my big loses comes from my inability to fold AKs preflop because i'm usually up against KK or AA. i'm also surprized i'm in the positive for my Big blind, although i doubt it's gonna stay like that

still hoping to hit 1k by the end of the month. actually i WOULD be at 1k since i made a bunch at the casino the other day, and since my BR is 650 it'd boost my BR to about 1020 or so.

now that i think about it, i'm probably gonna deposit some of those winnings so i can move up to nl50 faster, although i think i should play 20k hands at nl25 first.

ALSO, got this unballer leather office chair for $60. not much but it was like half off and i dont need a 500 dollar chair o_O;;

ONE LAST THING - with the release of Street fighter IV coming out next month, i'm thinking of building another stick:

heres my first one:

it's for PS2 and since i ps3 can't use ps2 controllers, i need to make a whole new one. but the one i'm thinking of will be a japanese style stick (pictures above is the american style) and will probably look sorta like this:

clear buttons, white box, bubbletop. the difference between the japanese and american sticks is that the balltop sticks are smaller compared to the baseball bat style american sticks, also the buttons look and feel a shitload better.

enough of the non poker stuff though - here's since the next year:

i AM working on making the red line straighter, but i obv suck at poker

and something to make this blog less boring:

i'm in love with this woman

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NeillyJQ   United States. Jan 16 2009 22:44. Posts 8947



Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 

NeillyJQ   United States. Jan 16 2009 22:46. Posts 8947

btw i fuckin love superstreetfighteralpha3, my old roomate and I used to play at what I think is possibly the highest level one can play on, complete rounds of combos and specials with great blocking, never a random kick or anything, although i do trip ppl a fucking ton and its way +ev for metagame vs your opponent, they start jumping around and using the sidewalls to pounce you and you can easily counter them since they are out of there original element

Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 

djforever   Canada. Jan 16 2009 22:48. Posts 1510

that used to be my stars avatar <3

terrybunny19240   United States. Jan 16 2009 23:11. Posts 13829

woot move up

Into Infinity   United States. Jan 16 2009 23:20. Posts 1884

  On January 16 2009 21:46 NeillyJQ wrote:
btw i fuckin love superstreetfighteralpha3, my old roomate and I used to play at what I think is possibly the highest level one can play on, complete rounds of combos and specials with great blocking, never a random kick or anything, although i do trip ppl a fucking ton and its way +ev for metagame vs your opponent, they start jumping around and using the sidewalls to pounce you and you can easily counter them since they are out of there original element

did you do infinites and stuff? alpha 3 is so broken -___-;;

Uptown   . Jan 16 2009 23:35. Posts 3557

Nice~ You prolly know your stuff but I guess I'll remind you to get either Sanwa or Seimitsu sticks and buttons. DONT get Hori brand b/c they blow hard in comparison.

I use a Sanwa stick and Seimitsu buttons on my RAP, considering changing the stick to a seimitsu with a tighter range of motion but I've been lazy.

Sick taht you make your own sticks though

Half Pot! 

Into Infinity   United States. Jan 16 2009 23:47. Posts 1884

  On January 16 2009 22:35 Uptown wrote:
Nice~ You prolly know your stuff but I guess I'll remind you to get either Sanwa or Seimitsu sticks and buttons. DONT get Hori brand b/c they blow hard in comparison.

I use a Sanwa stick and Seimitsu buttons on my RAP, considering changing the stick to a seimitsu with a tighter range of motion but I've been lazy.

Sick taht you make your own sticks though

well the red one, my friend made it and i bought it. it was cheap because i supplied the parts. but this one, yeah i might have to make it because everyone on SRK is stockpiled with ordered. but yeah i know, i hate hori parts, they feel so cheap !!!

Uptown   . Jan 17 2009 00:45. Posts 3557

you should pay us a visit here

Half Pot! 


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