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leaks? or bad run?

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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 17 2009 14:22. Posts 29
so i didnt go out last night cuz i spent most of the day trying to cure my hangover(im such a wanker puss these days), so i played a night session that went like this.....

usually minus -16 buys doesnt affect me too much, but this time it was a little weird. since november 08 my variance has skyrocketed. december was decent but i still was experiencing too many days of -15 buy days. so it's gotta be a change in my game right? i know there are quite a few leaks(some which i have to accept for massive multitabling and some that are definitely fixable), so i minimized down to 6-8 was evident from the get go that i was playing far too many hands out of position. that being said......i'm just running like crap! i counted exactly 12 hands where i got in 75 + bb with the nuts against a set and exactly 10 turned to boats and on the flip side made TWO boats with 16 different sets on the flop(most of these werent even against nut hands, they were against draws most of which ended up hitting). my bankroll is hurting a little but i still got bonuses covering all my losses so i'm still green, but i cant be running like this every month can i? i'd really hate to be making like 12k bonuses a month and only seeing 5k of it, POINTLESS, id rather be SHOESALESMAN!

aftermath of a bad session.......

on a side note, after trying to unsuccessfully macgyver boob shots the other night of my bartender..........

she finally gave up and just sent me them, ill have them uploaded tomorrow.

i've never owned a camera (or blog) up until this year and absolutely hated people who always took pictures, but now that i have one i cant stop! i'll be out in NYC tonight so i'll try to get some good pics of NYC sluttiness/bars/lounge/skyline ect.......and HOPEFULLY i don't lose it like usually lose EVERYTHING.

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 Last edit: 17/01/2009 14:24

Parker417   United States. Jan 17 2009 14:39. Posts 331

lol that bottle made me gag lol

BigRed0000    United States. Jan 17 2009 14:46. Posts 3554

lol so awesome. PLO makes me sad.

Fox   . Jan 17 2009 16:22. Posts 3110

I love the zero carb rockstars.

my favs besides those are the Punched and either guava or juiced.

Uptown   . Jan 17 2009 20:33. Posts 3557


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