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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 18 2009 11:52. Posts 29
part of my new year's resolution is to get out more often, as i live 13 minutes(subway ride) from NYC. i stayed away from going out last year so much cuz i used to party 4-6 times a week for 5 years straight! however i totally turned into a degenerate online poker hermit in 08, so im making a very conscious effort to make it out at least once a week (which doesnt include walking 10 feet to my local bar and getting drunk).

my friend alana, one of my better/trustworthy friends in life, had a birthday party in the city.............
being the baller that i'm NOT i gave her this,

60 dollar bills wrapped in 2 twenties.......hahaha wanksta!
alana: i really cant take this
me: why dont u give it a count
alana: oh hahahahhaha ......i still cant take this
me: its left over titty bar money if it makes u feel better
alana: fine
i also gave her a 50+ mature dirty mag.....quite a NON hit at this party(it was totally gross, i am totally negative equity boner for like 3 months after looking at it)

so we pregame a bit, girls leave, then we pregame some more.......i dont know why playing drunk dice games with just boys was more appealing than following the girls to the bar, but i sure was pretty drunk afterwards.
took a bunch of random pictures that i really dont remember(i cant believe im that guy who takes too many pictures now, and all for blogs sake) this is at Volstead located at Midtown East. ive been to this place before but dont remember it....standard. as usual the bar is overcrowded a double Maker's costed like 15 (got it on rocks even though i specified neat) and everyone is just playing a big game of look cool as possible without talking or moving(in poker terms, it's like razz but less fun). this is a phenomenon i just don't quite understand yet, i'd rather just sit at a crappy dive bar and potty mouth with the locals. nonetheless i had a great time, saw people i havent seen in ages, and don't recall a lot of it.

rels......she always has her mouth open hahahhaa jk, picture doesnt do her justice.

stef(right) and dont remember other, funny cuz i dont remember seeing them last nite

crazy rach.......people really refer to her as crazy rachel! shes awesome and crazy in so many ways.

cullen the self proclaimed most photogenic person she knows......

you still stand by that? lmao

i was going to put a redeeming pic of rels......but thought this was too funny

mel,always good to see you.....damn you are hot. can i buy you with FPP's(frequent player points). PokerStars should definitely let us concierge you.

Concierge Service(for those viewing that aren't degenerate gamblers)

bar pic (im taking way too many pics!)

coat check starting to get embarrassed that i took this many pictures

voyeurism lol why not....took this pic of nancy coming out of the can while i was on coat check line (no fanny shots, sorry boys).

i have a friend, "ug" (his last name is lee, hence "ug" lee, from salute your shorts), whenever i go out with him he gets like boyband attention. he often gets raped by girls (most of you see this as a good thing), but he always seem like he got victimized so i feel bad. Fellas.....i would like to tell you he fought the good fight .....bah forgot the rest of that shawshank redemption line. reason for this story......well he is the EAST COAST version of Jonnycosmo(he is chinese, not sure what jonny is), but seriously, any time i go out he has like A list celebrity status with girls of all nations(even tranny's)! one of the nicest kids i know and he actually did play online poker for a bit.

another pic that shouldn't of been taken, but actually very informational. if you're ever in the NYC area, it's pretty useful to know your cab rights.

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acdawg712   United States. Jan 18 2009 12:33. Posts 2639

you got some pretty hot friends yoooooooooooooo

phil hellmuth is genuinely a stupid person and he does not understand poker very well at all - [vital]myth 

Parker417   United States. Jan 18 2009 15:16. Posts 331



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