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dont drink and walk..........

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PowerHausAA   United States. Jan 22 2009 22:22. Posts 29
been pretty damn lazy all week.........played about 3 hours today and that was about it. i didn't really feel like getting a full 20+ table session going so i settled for 4 x PLO100. i was actually playing a bunch of PLO200 then thought better of it. bankroll got punked last week and im gonna have to grind a day or two of PLO100 to get my 4k bonus released. it'd be pretty stupid to play 16 x PLO200 with absolutely nothing to back it up with. then i opened up 4 x roommate has been grinding out NL10 for like 3 years (not as a living), and every time he plays NL25 he just gets i had to see for myself and i gotta say, NL25 is an absolute joke. if i could do like 50 tables of NL25 i think i can bang out like at least 500bux/day. im going to show him the way so he can do nothing all day just like me.

so quick story from yesterday........every year we do a ski trip to windham(upstate NY) to one of my buddies time share. usually my friend amanda and i are in charge of food for the weekend. she is an amazing cook and i just pretend i know what im doing. we decided that we were going to cook the duck dish from obama's inaugural brunch. so on to the duck bartender says "oh hey i know a specialty store that might have it". so we go out during the day, grab some lunch and ended up not finding it. so instead we stop in at a bar and drank all day. she had been searching for an apartment and received a call for one, so we go and look it. she insists on having a champagne toast (although we shoulda quit hours ago)..........we go to a nearby champagne, replace champagne with yager.............BOOOOOOOOM SWITCH! it's now rush hour and people are getting off left and right from the subway, and i'm basically carrying her back (a 2 minute walk turned into 15 min). we're about 10 feet away from her apartment and WHAM! she falls with full momentum into the bottom of a light pole (a girl walking by almost had a heart attack when she saw, but quickly walked away). i totally freak thinking she had a concussion or was bleeding, but she maintains consciousness(barely, and mostly alcohol induced). a guy helps me pick up her gloves and goes "good luck man". so i finally manage to get her upstairs where she insta-passes out and i get some ice on her head and wait at the bar downstairs for her brother to come back. for the first time in a very long time i was genuinely scared for there physical health and it was quite scary as i feared that she could've had internal bleeding or something crazy. she finally woke up at like 3pm today and i found out she was ok, thankfully! she apologized, lol, god only knows how many times ive been carried home so it's all good, but the moral of the story............

.......dont drink less but dont drink and walk!
dancing is non inclusive in the dont drink and walk campaign as drinking only enhances dancing.......

nor is walking up to a girl at a bar for it also enhances your sauveness.......

riccccccccccoooooooo, saaaaaaaauve

quick thought on inauguration........i supported mccain but i am overjoyed for everyone whom it meant so much for obama to be president. michelle and barack's dance to beyonce's at last was a real classy and historical moment that brought full circle to all those people that made this country what it is........never forget/take for granted the price people have paid in the past for the freedoms we enjoy now.

im still very immature and found this to be outlandishly hilarious (0:10)............
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
ahhhhahahahhahahahah i cant stop laughing

i guess im just going to give myself the rest of the week/weekend off as far as poker goes........should have some fun/drunk pics from ski trip over weekend. i'm off to karaoke night(which should get ugly).......oh and for all the NYC LPer's, i would love to grab drinks/get crazy/debaucherous/break shit/douche it up/lower women's self esteem ect........

i also read that [vital]myth is quite a about a IRON DEGENERATE CHEF SHOWDOWN?

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acdawg712   United States. Jan 22 2009 22:43. Posts 2639

hahahahha nice video,,,you got some pretty sweet stories good posting them yoooo

phil hellmuth is genuinely a stupid person and he does not understand poker very well at all - [vital]myth 

Sicks Macks   United States. Jan 22 2009 23:12. Posts 3929

lol video

Mr. Will Throwit 


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