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PLO100 rollercoaster

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PowerHausAA   United States. Feb 22 2009 21:36. Posts 29
17.5k vpp this month and i need to get to 50k vpp to maintain supernova elite status........why do i do this to myself!

PLO100 = all call no fold

so i released the 4k bonus but withdrew it cuz i need money to buy more booze and subway footlongs, but i got another bonus pending so no biggie.

basically i surrendered all thoughts of making real money and am just focusing on hitting my VPP mark for this month.....cuz PLO 100 is CRAZzzzzy. so with a non optimal bank roll ive been buying in with varying amounts to maximize # of hands. ive been super loose and calling down way more than usual cuz too many people overvalue there hands.

went 20 buys up 25 down 10 up ect ect

all sorts of hands.......
-set over set shouldve lost minimal but got greedy and got real stupid
-set against naked flush and top two shoot me....
-banging my head on the wall
-16 dollars!! i still want it
-ugh ugh ugh
-just keep lining em up
-way too common at 100
-i rarely boat my sets........but others do!
-and the times i do boat......
-further proof
-this guy won like 10 straight hands before this
-set over set
-just dont understand........

PLO100 is damn tricky ......everyone is everywhere with all kinds of ranges. wish my comp didnt crash cuz i had about 20-30 more hands that were really good from the end of my session last nite.

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terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 22 2009 21:40. Posts 13829

yikes, swongz

Bejamin1   Canada. Feb 22 2009 21:43. Posts 7042

It's not really that tricky IMO. We should discuss hands sometime I didn't realize you were LP I just knew you were a reg at PLO100 .

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 


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