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NL200 and Feb so far

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k2o4   United States. Feb 23 2009 01:38. Posts 4803
So it's a very under EV month for me as you can see but somehow I've managed to win. I'd be a very happy panda if my dark green line and light green line were swapped =) The NL200 shot is going well so far but I'm a bit worried about how things will go starting Monday when the fish dry up. I've been able to do good table selection and find fish this weekend, but it will be back to a nitfest on Monday which is not appealing. My BR hit 7k tonight so that's nice, so I'm up 1.1k since starting NL200. I've done a little bit of NL100 in there too. Anyway here's how the month looks:

Feb so far:

Got over my fear and feel pretty good while playing NL200. Technically I'm running below EV but it feels like I'm running good cause in comparison to earlier this month where I couldn't win a single flip and was always sucked out on, this is like a heater. Let me run close to even and I can make money.

Also trying out tableninja which works pretty well. Only problem is that it lags a bit. It's kinda good cause I am only playing 6-8 tables and if I try to do more it will be too laggy. So it's like a deterent from mass tabling which is really good cause I'm at the point where I notice a huge drop in my game if I have more than 8 tables going. Finally I know enough things to look for and learn from hands I'm not in and have so many notes I like to take and use later that if I can't do those things I play much worse.

At least I'm up @ NL200 for the month. I started really badly on Feb 1st losing several buyins in bad beats so I was in the hole before this shot, but I've dug myslef out. Lifetime I'm still down quite a bit @ NL200 cause I have taken so many fucking shots at it, failed, and moved down to regrind. So it's gonna be a bit longer before I'm up @ NL200 lifetime.

The biggest thing is that it's harder to grind out a shit load of hands right now so it's gonna take me longer to get bonuses than I'd like... I was hopeful to buy another 1.5k bonus by the end of the month but I've got a lot of FPP left to go. But this is gonna be much better itlr and the VPP do come quicker @ Nl200, so as I get more used to the limit so that I can 8 table consistently and don't have fear holding me back and limiting the # of hands I play then I'll start building up FPP really fast.

I'm totally rambling. I guess that's ok since this is my blog! That's what blogs are for right?

I'm enjoying poker a lot right now and am excited to hit 10k, which is the BR I want before I will feel safe to make a living off of poker. Right now I'm working 2 days a week for a very small wage so poker is gonna be a major source of income going forward. I was looking and I've played a little over 600k hands lifetime. I really think there's a lot that you learn just by playing a lot of hands which can't be learned any other way. I don't know that much more about poker strategy now, I just understand it and can apply it so much better now. You also get to experience big heaters and big downswings and develop a much soberer view of what the long run really is. When I first moved to NL100 I heatered like crazy and had a 50 bi month and started taking NL200 shots after only like 20k hand of NL100, thinking I was so good. Once the heater ended I crashed hard and fell into a serious tilt. That was a dark time. Since then I've had some small heaters and other solid downswings and each one is easier to deal with. I know I will always have a hard time fighting the downswings and beats, but it's a lot easier now than it ever was before. There's a big difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. I always knew what to do about downswings but had a hard time doing it - taking breaks, moving down sooner, staying in a good mind frame, blah blah.

Ok, enough rambling for now!

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attik34   United States. Feb 23 2009 01:44. Posts 92


Run good, button! 

RICHI8   United States. Feb 23 2009 02:10. Posts 1341

gj man. I plan on quitting my job with about the same standards. 10k br in poker. 10k saved in bank. Hopefully I can get through this NL50 soon. Glad to see NL200 is finally going good for you.

terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 23 2009 02:23. Posts 13829

good stuff :D

fira   United States. Feb 23 2009 02:43. Posts 6345

keep it up dude

ps I wish I could play as many hands >:|


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