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Week of hell starts

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EXCELED   Canada. Feb 23 2009 13:09. Posts 401
This week is going to suck huge cock for me. I have a mid term everyday except friday which means friday night I will probably binge drink

Today I had my Math mid-term. Fucking rocked it. So ez. glad thats done with.
Tueday is Physics. FML.
Wednesday is Electronics. Meh... no one really knows what the mid term is on cuz our teacher is a clown
Thursday is Power Applications. Could go either way.
Friday is drink until you throw up day.

Cannot wait until this week is over. Probably will not get many hands in which sucks because I was hoping to move up stakes by the end of the week. oh well.

Anyways... back to the books.


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palak   United States. Feb 23 2009 13:17. Posts 4601

what major r u?

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Uptown   . Feb 23 2009 13:32. Posts 3557

electrical engineering?

I feel bad for you

Half Pot! 

Gadget   United States. Feb 23 2009 13:36. Posts 295

I have phsyics and electronics as well this semester, I'm in computer networking what about you?

Maynard!   United States. Feb 23 2009 14:45. Posts 4453

Only complete nerds study electrical engineering.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

Uptown   . Feb 23 2009 15:04. Posts 3557

  On February 23 2009 13:45 Maynard! wrote:
Only complete nerds study electrical engineering.

High five

Half Pot! 


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