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Bejamin1   Canada. Feb 28 2009 15:44. Posts 7042
February was a pretty intense poker month for me. I moved up to PLO100 for the first time and played very well, and then very poorly to finish up only 5 or so buy-ins for the month. I do however expect to be able to establish myself and consistently win 50+ buy-ins per month at this limit and continue my trek up to the higher stakes. After analyzing my game it can be said that I have lots of room to improve and that my downswing in the past 15 days or so has been largely self-inflicted.

However I did manage to achieve some of my goals posted in that February goals thread a while back.
1. Establish myself as a PLO100 Regular [x]
2. FT the weekly PLO215 [x] (Took a 3-Way chop for a 4.75k Score)
3. Have my first ever 5K month [x]

All and all not a bad month and I look to re-double my dedication to this game and keep getting better. Good luck LP run good in March one time!

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Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Pallywhacker   United States. Feb 28 2009 15:49. Posts 106

Why PLO? Just find the game more enjoyable? Nice month regardless congrats.

JoeDeertay   United States. Feb 28 2009 18:19. Posts 1730

because everyone still sucks at it

Variance has a big brother named doomswitch. - edzwoo 


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