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First month bloging

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joker   Czech Republic. Mar 01 2009 19:47. Posts 118

I am here to do an summary of my first month of br rebuilding and my poker resurrection. There are my goals for February from the beginning of the month :

- win 3x BI on NL2, NL4, NL10, NL20 and be a winner on NL50 --- fail
- play at least 30k hands --- succes
- dont tilt --- fail
- finish all of my school stuff --- 60% succes
- stop drinking, start grinding :D --- succes

I started this month full of poker energy and poker enthusiams, I started grinding lowest stakes as a warm up and I ran pretty good at NL2 and NL4 but then I have some problems with winning 3bi on NL10 and obviously threw my plan to the bin and skip this point and started tilting NL20 and some NL10 HU and after first week I was down about 200usd and hopeless again.

Then I deleted my tilted PT3 database and started a new one, because I was not able to live with proof of my stupidity in my HDD and that is the reason why my graph is only from 18 days After this epic fail I started play a little bit better. I experimented with nit mass tabling 6-14 tables of NL20 instead of my usual 4tables and have reasonable results because players down here are obv very bad and will pay your aces almost everytime and dont care that you folded 40 previous hands. Than I took shot to NL50 where I had a really nice heater first two sessions, but after this I hit a big downsving when I lost every flip, ran KK into AA etc etc and this tilted me a little bit ... so I went back to NL20 and didnt play well in the rest of the month. I ended the month something like - 250usd from playing, but thank to rakeback I am up 100usd and I will propably buy a copy of PT3 and Eyepoker from this profit.

Here is my graph + results :

I played whole month like absolute nit running something like 13/12 most of the time, and I have to admit, that this was not poker what I enjoy and I am not really good in it. Maybe it is a good way how to play 9 table of NL20/NL50 and make some profit, but I really want to be good at this game and try to get to the really high stakes one day, so I realized that I have to try crush my tables and become a really tought to play again instead of waiting for AA and bet bet bet, so I tried way more lagy style, even more lagy I was used to play on NL200 before (20/18) and hureeeeei it seems to be working - I play more pots with a fishes and they give me a lot of action on my big hands even when I play only 3-4 tables which is nice. In the other hand I did some pretty bad calls when overestimated my image and I really have to work on this lag style, so I will play another 5k hands of NL20 with these stats and after than hopefully try NL50.

LAG day :

March goals :

- play another 5k lag hands and reevaluate
- play 30k hands again
- stop tilting obv
- try to improve my game, dont be result or money orinted, try to crush my tables instead of nobrainer masstable grinding

Thats it

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 Last edit: 01/03/2009 19:53


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