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5k hands = 20bi

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joker   Czech Republic. Mar 07 2009 11:53. Posts 118

so I recently switched from nit style to lag style, trying to open my game a lot and be really tought to play again. The reason for that was, that one day I was sitting in table with one 90/50 villain and I had him on my left hand, and I realized how damn tought is playing something like him especially oop - he was calling every bet, he was fireing everytime someone checked to him, dont fold single blind etc ... obv I think that this is exploitable, but I found myself and others on the table in many very hard situations with him postflop, because he wasnt spewy and could recognize when we weak tighters actually had a hand and just folded and continued next hand with collecting our money bb after bb.

His succes was definitely in fact, that he could take others from their comfort playing zone, he was attacking every pot and maintained others in permanent pressure, he was not folding to cbets so he forced people to start playing tricky against him by checking made hand on the flop (and get outdrawed and still pay him off with tptk because he is such a fish obv), double barreling in situations where they was not used to etc etc - simply, he could made them tilting and playing really bad check/call/guess poker against him.

This really impressed me, and next session I started to play like a maniac running 50/50 first 20 hands on my tables and them slowly "tighten" up to consistent 31/28 with ton of 3betting and I found it really working great. People started tilt agains me and did a fancy plays with bottom pairs and shipping A2o preflop etc. Poker is entertainment for me again, because with a lot of action, situations and gameflow, I really started thinking about my decisions and started making some crazy lines, 1/4 pot bets and overbets etc etc to make head of my opponents explode and take them out from their standart plays. I found that most of "regs" like 16/13 are quite exploitable and most of the time they play superstandard lines and basically shows you theirs hole cards. In the other hand I found myself do a lot of spewy moves in the heat of battle and I will have to work on it in the future because it really hurts my winrate.

It is obv small sample, maybe I won few more flips and floped few more nut str8 than is usual, but still there must be somethink what I am doing right, because this is my biggest heater ever. With 1600 in my BR Iam going to try NL50 today, probably take a 6bi shot and then go back to NL20, hope that I wont play scare money and be able to crush this limit too.

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 Last edit: 07/03/2009 11:55

terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 07 2009 12:18. Posts 13829


rogier   Netherlands. Mar 07 2009 12:27. Posts 1528

playing lag forces you to focus on handreading - seems you did well today, but swings are quite heavy

dobre_vale   Bulgaria. Mar 07 2009 13:01. Posts 1

GL at NL50 you will need it

ReDDcaFFe   Bulgaria. Mar 07 2009 13:09. Posts 1172

prepare for the doomswtich

I cant wait to take their money 

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 07 2009 13:11. Posts 4946

Well 5k hands looks pretty consistent. I find it hard to believe youre honestly shipping A2o AIPF and having much success. And even if you do, you cant honestly think thats a +EV move no matter what hand you beat. I mean, if someone is CALLING they obviously have something, so you pretty much just sucked out on them I guess right?

I can see making a bunch of weird bet sizes tilting or at least confusing players, especially the cardrunners clones who play 16/13 and see a 1/4 pot bet as a time to raise you when you have AA. I've lost many a stack to those 90/50 donks who are playing for the thrill of it, and to this date there is only 1 possible style I have found that works, and that is just straight up rock. We're talkin 9% vpip only. Against him anyway. You will probably be playing a 13/11 game overall adjusting to him, but it's really the only thing that works. You're going to be shipping flops and turns with KK and if he wants to call with a pair of jacks, well 9/10 times he's going to lose. These guys may seem to fold to nits for a little while, but eventually their insatiable appetite for gambling will come in to play and they'll just HAVE to call your raise with 68s, hit 2 pair and think they've finally "got you" when you had a set the whole time.

  This really impressed me, and next session I started to play like a maniac running 50/50 first 20 hands on my tables and them slowly "tighten" up to consistent 31/28 with ton of 3betting and I found it really working great.

I've had a lot of success doing this too, but the real success just came from the image I set. By the time I had "cooled down" to a more "reasonable" 30/28 game, I was still in there with hands that had lots of potential, and people were just expecting me to be playing junk and getting caught off-guard with real hands. By then they're just paranoid I'm on some crazy heater at the table.

If your fancy plays at NL20 are actually working, the only thing I can think of is that those donks are also trying their own fancy plays that are failing. Bottom pair should never really have showdown value at this limit, the fact that it does says more about THEM than it does for YOU.

bye now 

goodguysm   United States. Mar 07 2009 13:27. Posts 1051

he said he made others ship A2o aipf

joker   Czech Republic. Mar 07 2009 13:29. Posts 118

I am probably too bad in english and typed it wrong : "People started tilt agains me and did a fancy plays with bottom pairs and shipping A2o preflop etc" They started to make fancy moves against me and they ship their money in with A2o vs my AK preflop ...

"the real success just came from the image I set" ... This is all what I am talking about, if you want action, you need to get action to people first, I am trying to put a lot of pressure on them preflop and on flop, with minimum costs but with good result in my image. Sometimes I fire discutable 2nd barrel or do some weird bluff with FD and 1 over on the turn for 1 stack, but dont understand me wrong - most of the time I play solid str8forward postflop, but there is a lot of value play as many pots as is possible with fish, even when your only move is cbet 1/2 pot on the flop and they fold like 50%, you show a profit.

joker   Czech Republic. Mar 07 2009 13:30. Posts 118

  On March 07 2009 12:27 goodguysm wrote:
he said he made others ship A2o aipf

Thank you. Maybe I typed it right :D

 Last edit: 07/03/2009 14:09

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 07 2009 14:52. Posts 4946

Whoops, my bad. Sounds like your timing is just really good. You raised enough times preflop with 67s and 55 UTG that when they start playing back, you have QQ and AK more often to their surprise.

bye nowLast edit: 07/03/2009 14:52

rockman255   Canada. Mar 07 2009 16:53. Posts 4471

thats a really crazy high win-rate sir :D

rockman255: its not easy being superman U N0 MySteeZ: mega man. rockman255: same thing U N0 MySteeZ: no 

ThuNDeR   Bulgaria. Mar 07 2009 17:01. Posts 371

sick run.havent run that good since.... ever :D

ThiNk DiFFeReNt! 


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