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[Q] about PokerStars

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longple    Sweden. Mar 12 2009 21:13. Posts 4472
Planing on switching to pokerstars, some hours on ipoker its hard to massplay sngs and cgs cuz of some low activity with only like 6-10k players online w like only a few sngs running at a time

what I wonder is about the "cash back" system. now I have a 27% rakeback deal and I wanna know if the bonussystem to switch "points" to cash is any good?

If I rake say 3-4000$ / month will I get like any cashback? cuz 1k rakeback is pretty nice for me and if I can get like close to like atleast 500-1k$ as a 20-30$ sng and 50nl, 100nl player?

Im to laazy to search around on pokerstars site with a calculator and shit ^^

just wonder if any1 who is like using the points for cash regulary can give me some nice info?
Is their bonussystem any good?

would really appriciate it
Thanks <3!

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 Last edit: 12/03/2009 21:16

lazymej   Canada. Mar 12 2009 21:40. Posts 2897

There was some website that did the calculations for this. Basically if you're playing nl50 and can maintain like platinum star then it's worth it I guess. If you get supernova its definitely worth it.

IIRC that site said platinum will equate to like 21% rb and supernova will be like 30%. Plus Supernova gets milestone bonuses added on top of that.

lazymej   Canada. Mar 12 2009 21:43. Posts 2897

btw google is your friend.

longple    Sweden. Mar 12 2009 22:00. Posts 4472

ah nice, thanks man will prolly transfer my roll in beginning of next month


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