DhakhaR   United Kingdom. Mar 22 2009 12:10. Posts 189
Ok so basically this situation seems to crop up quite alot nowadays for me, both IP and OOP (although its more taxing when OOP for obvious reasons).
im grinding out some micro-stakes $0.02/0.04 6max. i will be dealt a hand like KQs and will raise PF OOP or ill raise IP to get rid of the idiots limping in with J7o. (These PF raises may be a leak in some peoples eyes, im unsure).
flop will come 25Q and ill bet pot with one caller. turn will be a blank (10 for arguments sake), ill bet pot villain calls again.
at this point i dont know what to do. IMO the river card is irrelevant as the villain has called twice so must already like his hand. im ruling out draws either because of a non drawy board or because of the 2 pot sized calls. my problem is that when i am IP and the villain checks to me for a 3rd time often i will check behind, scared of the fact that he has c/ced twice and called the raise PF. additionally a 3rd PSB at this point is basically an all in which makes me uncomfortable given i dont know where i am.
However the problem comes in that sometimes i am beaten by two pair or whatever, but equally as often they show up with some bullshitty hand like Q8 and i could have extracted the full value.
i guess my problem is that people are such idiots at microstakes that i cant figure out what theyre on as a call is a call to them, irrelevant of bet sizing, position etc etc. i would feel much more comfortable in this spot at a live game etc.
i know this is slightly whiney and theres no actual hand example (which is why its in Blogs, not Low Stakes) but could anyone offer some advice on this. would it be +EV to get that final value bet in?