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Ten Trillion

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TenBagger   United States. Mar 26 2009 18:07. Posts 2018
I'm sure you all know what a huge PBS geek I am by now. There was an excellent documentary aired a couple days ago on frontline about the US deficit which currently stands at $10,000,000,000,000.

Everyone already knows that the US is very deep in debt but this show brought up a very interesting point aboutpaygo.

Basically paygo was a rule insituted by Bush Sr. I've heaped loads of praise and respect on Bush Sr. and I even made a blog post about him.

Well, paygo is a common sense rule that almost every family or corporate budget uses. It stipulates that if the government is gonna spend more money on things such as a costly war (Iraq) or giving citizens more entitlement (prescription drugs) then they need to either cut spending elsewhere or raise more revenue to offset the new spending. When I decided to move into a more expensive apartment, I made sure that I offset that increase with a combination of higher income and lower expenses (selling my car and using zipcar). Every reasonable and sane entity working a budget uses this concept when deciding to spend a large sum of money.

In 1991, the year paygo was first signed into law, the deficit was 4.5% of GDP. By 2000, there was no longer a deficit, rather the surplus was 2.4%. Paygo was obviously working in maintaining fiscal discipline.

But then George W Bush took office and along with a republican congress, they allowed paygo to lapse. Then came two costly wars and an avalanche of new government spending programs including the prescription drug bill. Instead of finding a way to pay for these programs through increased taxes or cutting spending elsewhere, Bush actually lowered taxes. So how did we pay for all of this? We didn't. We just borrowed it and one day, we're gonna have to pay it all back.

I strongly urge everyone to watch the documentary because our situation is actually very scary and grave. As US taxpayers and citizens we should consider the financial health of the nation and also of future generations rather than focusing solely on reducing our own marginal tax rate by an extra couple percent.

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bane   United States. Mar 26 2009 18:58. Posts 2379

i always enjoy your blog posts ty

luddite   United States. Mar 26 2009 19:18. Posts 398

Seems like you're really oversimplifying things here. Sure, it makes sense for an individual to use a pay-as-you-go system, but you can't just scale that up to governments. Corporations rarely use pay-as-you-go, and it's not a problem as long as they keep their debt reasonable. With governments, it's even more complicated since government spending can increase GDP, which then increases government tax revenue in the future.

Not saying I like the government budget policy during the W years, but, I do think that limiting the government spending to a strict pay-as-you-go plan is pretty silly.

lachlan   Australia. Mar 26 2009 19:24. Posts 6991

sounds like george bush senior had some problems w/ disciplining his kids

full ringLast edit: 26/03/2009 19:25

sChOuA   Switzerland. Mar 26 2009 19:36. Posts 2302

--- Nuked ---

TenBagger   United States. Mar 26 2009 20:12. Posts 2018

  On March 26 2009 18:18 luddite wrote:
Seems like you're really oversimplifying things here. Sure, it makes sense for an individual to use a pay-as-you-go system, but you can't just scale that up to governments. Corporations rarely use pay-as-you-go, and it's not a problem as long as they keep their debt reasonable. With governments, it's even more complicated since government spending can increase GDP, which then increases government tax revenue in the future.

Not saying I like the government budget policy during the W years, but, I do think that limiting the government spending to a strict pay-as-you-go plan is pretty silly.

Consider that paygo does not mean that there is no deficit. When I mentioned that there was a surplus in fiscal year 2000, that does not mean that the government was debt free. The national debt was still in the trillions. However it does mean that for that fiscal year, the government spent less than it took in. Credit is an extremely critical element of any economy and that applies to the government as well. I am in no way advocating that the government not accumulate any debt. There are many instances where it is appropriate to take on debt. However, it is not appropriate to run up huge deficits year after year. You say it is not a problem as long as they keep their debt reasonable and that is precisely my point. Running huge deficits every single year is not reasonable and that is exactly what has happened in the US since paygo lapsed.

That is in large part due to the fact that governments are run differently than corporations. The board of directors and shareholders of corporations generally do not authorize such outrageous spending that they would not be able to repay and would jeopordize the financial health of the corporation. However, politics is such that spending on entitlements and programs are hugely popular and so are tax cuts. The failure of HW Bush to get re-elected and the successful re-election of W Bush goes to show that the general public rewards those politicians that mortgage the future for current gains.

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 26 2009 20:39. Posts 34260

Its very naive to think that George W Bush is acting on its own and not in the interests of the same group that ruled before, actually that is quite an understatement... it is naive to believe GWB wasnt a puppet of his father and friends and all this was done in their own interest.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 26/03/2009 20:39

TheView   United States. Mar 26 2009 21:41. Posts 90

IMO if obama wants a quick fix, he needs to give neilly 10K and 24 hours

TenBagger   United States. Mar 26 2009 21:46. Posts 2018

  On March 26 2009 19:39 Baal wrote:
Its very naive to think that George W Bush is acting on its own and not in the interests of the same group that ruled before, actually that is quite an understatement... it is naive to believe GWB wasnt a puppet of his father and friends and all this was done in their own interest.

I'm curious baal, what scholarly books/documentaries/publications are you basing your opinion that W Bush was his father's puppet? If you have any, I'd be very interested to read/view them. In the meanwhile, have you seen the videos that I linked?

Let's look beyond these videos and look at their actions. If you look at many of their actions during their presidencies, HW Bush and W Bush have been polar opposites in thier policies. In fact, many republican lawmakers and voters were very upset with HW Bush and the fact that he lost the support of many core republicans due to his decision to increase taxes was the main reason that he lost the presidency as an incumbent president.

curtinsea   United States. Mar 27 2009 00:12. Posts 576

Since 1960, the US has run budget deficits every year except 1998-2001. Those four years of surplus were due largely to the 'contract with America' that brought control of congress to the GOP in 1994, and that fiscal discipline was tossed out the window after 9/11 and the 'war on terror'. Deficit spending year after year is not the great evil it is portrayed as by the minority party (whichever party is in the minority at the time), but the debt to GDP ratio is much more important. The current spending being pushed by the new administration is scary in that the numbers are enormous, and GDP is in decline. I liken it to buying a ten million dollar house when you work at McDonalds. History is often forgotten, or revised, and then repeated when it comes to American politics.

In 1992 a Democratic president was swept in with big majorities in congress and the ability to do whatever they wanted, and as was predictable they then set out to spend as much as they could. The result was Congress being handed over to the GOP. This was Clinton's greatest accomplishment, and it forced him to shift away from the left, and the combination of congress and Clinton worked well because the two powers balanced each other. It's deja vu all over again in 2009, and I would watch for the repercussions in the midterm elections next year. I would, in fact, watch for Newt Gingrich to come back into play, hopefully giving the GOP something positive to say and do, and bring some sanity back to the budgeting.
And it will likely save Obama's presidency and get him re-elected, as it did Bill.

tomorrow, for sureLast edit: 27/03/2009 00:14


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