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18bi under EV whine here

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Motiva   United States. Apr 19 2009 08:59. Posts 104
lol. Over the course of my last 4 NL5 shots I am 18bi under EV over 9k hands. Back to NL2 again, I'm thinking... I feel like I've been playing decently. My red line is break-even or slightly above across the shots, however my W$SD is pretty bad in the 40s and I'm prolly 3betting too much. But I still can't help but feel that I can beat NL5 and that this is just variance. 9k hands really isn't anything.

I do beat NL2 at 3ptbb/100 over 40k hands. Which still isn't much, I know. But these players are so bad -- Whinewhinewhine I know

I'm tempted to just deposit $250 + my NL2 roll, and just jump to NL10 and put in mad hands and make it or bust lmao ~_~ Tilted like mad. EV nonsense says that I should only be 8bi under breakeven (accounting for a total of 26bi negative) which I think is pretty accurate, because I've easily spewwed more than 8bi tilting from the fucking suckouts...

Meh thanks for reading my tilted rant

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d.Apollo   United Kingdom. Apr 19 2009 09:05. Posts 741

hi sup,

you are obviously playing wrong if you cant beat 2nl better than 3ptbb and losing at 5nl, have you actually tried to find out whats wrong?

Don't deposit to move up, if you can't beat 5nl then why play 10nl where the players are slightly better than 5nl ? How many tables do you play? Stats? Noticeable leaks?

Motiva   United States. Apr 19 2009 09:10. Posts 104

lol I'm not actually going to move up and deposit, just whining

And yea, I know a lot of what i'm doing wrong and working on what I can as well as I know how. I run 16/13 FR and 22/18 6max 2.5 AF within both. My biggest leak is easily my 3betting OOP in 6max. I'm working on it... I also don't think my 9k hands is really a solid sample size, but obviously if i knew how better to improve, I would be better and improved

NL2 I've been playing 6-10 tables, and on my NL5 shots I've been playing 2-4.

d.Apollo   United Kingdom. Apr 19 2009 09:15. Posts 741

I know its a very small sample, but here are my stats, compare them to yours, might help?

Just be really tight/agressive and valuevaluevalue 2/5nl, its very simple poker.

Motiva   United States. Apr 19 2009 09:24. Posts 104

hmmm Our stats are pretty similar -- I'm 21/18/2.5 with 9% 3bet (which i know is prolly my biggest leak). If youre stats were "ideal" you could say that I 3bet too much (3-4%), and go to showdown 3% more while W$SD 15% less.... (W$WSF only 1% less though)

I also Att steal 5% less... Though I genuinely do feel like I could beat NL5... 18bi under EV is just ridic imo, but obviously i'm just bias and tilted so meh

 Last edit: 19/04/2009 09:26

DoomsdayVic   New Zealand. Apr 19 2009 09:29. Posts 159

I can help you with NL2 :D add me on msn if you have it. Im also helping a couple of other NL2 players ^^. I might not be good but i do it for free to improve my own game :D. <-- my addy. (dont ahve to add me if you dont want to :X)

Edit: Im only a NL10 player though ><

 Last edit: 19/04/2009 09:38

whamm!   Albania. Apr 19 2009 11:45. Posts 11625

just deposit the 250 and experience learning at at least 10nl. dont listen to people saying you have to PLAY through nl2- nl5, that shit is kinda useless and what u learn there wont mean shit when u move up anyway. if ur disciplined enough, just deposit for 10nl or 25nl and try to learn poker there. super micro stakes grinding when u dont have to is completely retarded and a waste of time to be brutally honest

nl2-nl5 is for people who are underage, or have absolutely no means or money to deposit online.

 Last edit: 19/04/2009 11:46


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