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PowerHausAA   United States. Apr 29 2009 07:42. Posts 29
ok so had a pretty decent table draw yesterday. started tournament at 30k and blinds at 50/100. insane amount of chips. to my left is entropyxx, it was really cool meeting him and two my right are two other star guys. direct right was pretty nitty who i squeezed a bunch of times and to his right was a nl400 regular who squeezed more than anyone at the table. i was seat 3 the guy at seat 8 was trying to outplay everyone, which he did. the few times i did call him down he ended up hitting backdoor flushes so whatever i just shrugged and took it in the ass for a while knowing that i had way too many chips to be doing crazy things on day 1. went as high as 45k and as low as 16k. i really didnt get dealt very well and when i did nothing much happened. i was earning most my pots except when i had 16k i called raise on button with j 10s flopped trips turned quads and original raiser ended up having kings.

i gotta say that live poker is so grueling i was exhausted by the end i just wanted to leave early. i ended with 41,400 in chips and blinds are going to be 500/1000 100 antes tomorrow. im really happy to even have that many chips right now as i made some errors with tournament protocols as far as raising. im very optimistic for day 2, i cant really be dealt much worse day 2. and few double ups can let me seriously contend.

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frenchylucky   Finland. Apr 29 2009 08:29. Posts 1788

entropy xx is so good in plo ..nice to hear that you made it in day2 , very nice m8 and best of luck .

I was playing poker with tarot cards the other night. I got a full house and four people died. WTF...welcome to finland... 

PanoRaMa   United States. Apr 29 2009 08:34. Posts 1655

gl! hope you do well

monte carlo looks amazing, I wish I could be there =[. 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Apr 29 2009 12:50. Posts 14026


post pics!


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