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PowerHausAA   United States. Apr 30 2009 14:11. Posts 29
my first table was amazing........first hour i moved up over 80k then our table got broken up. unfortunately, it got broken up and i got moved to the chip leader/the heaviest chip table. i ended up being on the left of entropyxx lol. so table is pretty bad for me. im around 45-70k for 3-4 level of blinds there and the dinner break is coming around. seat two makes standard raise i and i make call in sb with a 10 hearts. flop comes k q 4 clubs. check check, turn is a 2 i put about 11k into a 15k pot, he calls. river comes 5. i bet 24k leaving me with 19kish. it goes about 7-9 minutes for him to call and i show nothing and he shows 9's. i feel pretty pwned. i mean is that line terrible ive showed down 1 hand in 4 hours of play which was kings.

next hand i have 9's and entropy raises to 6500, i raise all in for 19k and bb calls but doesnt mean to and the director had to be called and what not but he calls anyway flop A 10 4 turn Q river has kj entropy k10 doesnt matter im out. vacation starts tonite

came in like 220ish over all i feel good about my play. i did have some blunders but no regrets.

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terrybunny19240   United States. Apr 30 2009 14:18. Posts 13829

have fun in vacation mode


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