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Someone point me in a direction......

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PowerHausAA   United States. May 08 2009 14:22. Posts 29
It's kind of sad to put all my stuff up on craigslist right now. I'm excited/scared/anxious/nervous/happy/sad every emotion i can possibly feel right now. I've been living in NY for over 15 years and just to pick up and move to Vegas and not know anyone or even have a place at the moment. I'm planning to sell/throw out everything and have laptop and one luggage to my name when i go there. I just feel that if i stay in new york my poker career will go no where. My online career is been a success to this point in my opinion but the thought of just doing this over and over was eating me up inside. What will change when i move to vegas........maybe nothing maybe everything, but all i know right now is that i have to take a step in any direction. You could say that this takes a lot of balls but in my opinion it takes more balls to not do anything.

Anyhow, as most my friends do not understand my lifestyle i thought id just vent/holler in cyberworld and for this i thank everyone here.

I actually forgot that the topic was "Someone point me in a direction......" if anyone could point me a direction to live or possibly room together in vegas thatd be greatly appreciated.

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