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Most important blog post ever. Please read.

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Newblish   Canada. May 20 2009 03:18. Posts 560
Right now i am sick to my stomach, i felt like i was going to die of an anxiety attack in the last 2 hours. Why? well... lets start it off this way - I thought to myself.. you know.. i know people have accused online poker of being rigged at times.. but well - perhaps it is true after all.. i mean.. how could what happened to me happen at all? My friends it makes no sense for what just happened to me to have happened... it was the worst gut feeling i have ever felt in my life - like i was helpless, i just could NOT win. but why? wtf was wrong? Well the answer is everything.

So it was a normal night where i decided to sit down and session it up again. I started off down a BI, 3 outtered for a $150 pot.. standard, happens all the time.. i moved on. So i grind my losses back.. lose the BI again to another bad beat.. again whatever.. push on like i always do. So at this point i was like: ok.. im going to bum hunt because i want my $$ back and i hate losing it the way i did. Ill get it back the cheap way : play only short stack donks.

So w/e i start it up, things are going ok, then along comes this guy : bailman1
He bought in for like 36.7, so i assumed he was a horrible donk with his entire BR or something. Well.. yup, it looked like i was right. He was opening every single hand to a random number between 2 and 25BB's on the button every single hand. Not only that, but his 3bet % was 50% over 274 hands. So i picked up on that fast and thought : ok easy match..

well... what the fuck did i know? not much i guess, FTP had a little something in store for me.

and well.. here goes the start :

first big hand vs donk

I was so fucking angry that i threw a spoon at my wall and got it stuck. Why the fuck was this happening? is this some kind of joke?

so anyway, pissed off to fuck, i continue because obviously this guy is dead money, so then i win it all back :

K9 hand vs donk

Now remember this guys : after this he had " $10 ! " Thats it, his stack was $10!!! So i was like : k good, game over i win. (if i could go back in time one time, this would be the time - i would have quit right there)

Or did I? within like 15 hands, he was back to 100, reraising left and right turning 2 pair, turning sets, turning top pair A, etc etc etc. I was like : ok FTP enough please... wtf are you doing this for?

This was one of the hands in that span :

preflop nuts lose again

And this is where my stomach started to turn and i felt like dying very shortly after:

turned practical nuts? Nope

oh but.. well thats not all folks :

preflop nuts(or so i thought)

QQ was the nuts 100% vs this guy too.. when he turned over his hand i could have sworn i was about to have a heart attack - it was literally to the point of overshock and i didnt know if i was dreaming or if this was supposed to happen to me.

This my friends made me want to stab myself.. how is that possible? And why did it have to happen to me? is there something i did to deserve that? (Anyone who thinks my shove is bad is an idiot because he was 100% calling even 27o here)

Anyway, being so stubborn i tell myself : THIS GUY IS DEAD MONEY, you WILL get it back, its impossible that you dont. Wrong...

yay FTP1

yay FTP2

yay FTP3
(uh maybe that one was a bit earlier, but well first time i flopped top pair all night.. = nuts(in my mind)

Ok folkds, and the grand grand final, you ready?

impossible? Yeah i thought so too

Oh yeah, so here are some neat screen shots!

oh and who could forget the plunge of death -

Ok so - i challenge anyone on LP to show me that you run worse than this. I honestly do not think it is possible. Remember - this guy is like 95 VPIP and has 50% 3bet. I mean.. its literally impossible to get coolered so badly.. its practically as if its set up. In fact i honestly would be surprised if it wasnt.
Ill never ever get over this, not ever. I mean fine, give them a few bs suckouts here and there, but.. not this.. this is too much. I almost feel like asking FTP to explain themlseves after this, i mean.. its one thing to run bad, but its another thing to KNOW that youre going to lose when dealt QQ/KK or any fucking 2 cards youre dealt.

The challenge is up guys - has anyone seen worse than this? If so, enlighten my mood. I should have a 20k roll by now but instead its less than half of that.

Ah.. what the heck, im not even mad right now, im not even letting off steam.. im still in shock.. i do NOT believe what just happened.. and i never will.

and meh, feels like my most important blog, but im guessing the next one will be : Newblish got his account stolen by an unknown employee at FTP who claimed it was his account all along - or something like that.. you know.

Ok guys - peace out, this game is honestly a piece of shit.. but hey.. i still love it(for some reason)... and ill never give up.

ps. again - if anyone has EVER come across worse shit than this, im honestly all ears and you my friend(whoever you are have all of my sympathy and i feel terrible for you).


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 Last edit: 20/05/2009 03:36

ShadowDrgn   United States. May 20 2009 03:32. Posts 1156

You managed to white your name out in 5 places, but missed one. We know your FTP account anyway.

Newblish   Canada. May 20 2009 03:36. Posts 560

thanks shadowdragon!

Newblish   Canada. May 20 2009 03:41. Posts 560

ack.. hah im laughing about this..

in a way this gives me some confidence.. at least now i know that since nobody runs worse than i do that whatever winnings i do manage are remarkable. It gives me strength to know that even though i run like absolute utter disgusting horseshit that i am still a winning player.

I guess in a sense this is why its the most important blog post. Because its like a light bulb over my head that tells me : pat yourself on the back man, you must be fucking damn good at this game if you can still manage to be up at all with that kind of luck. In a way i guess ill sleep better now.. Off to bed.

ultimately - all i can say to myself is - go me. :o

 Last edit: 20/05/2009 03:46

domyouji   Zimbabwe. May 20 2009 03:46. Posts 435

well you are playing hu so obv the variance is high,but yea those do seem like setups same shit happens on stars all the time as well

to live the dream you gotta play the game 

nlloser60   . May 20 2009 03:48. Posts 304 - pretty similar, not with one guy though. Get use to it anyway. And how much do u actually run below ev ( ?
In HU this ev thing doesnt matter that much, but still.

 Last edit: 20/05/2009 03:50

Loco   Canada. May 20 2009 03:50. Posts 20967

I've never seen someone so disconnected from reality on this website, ever. You are unbelievable.

I'm completely speechless. I guess the only advice I can give you is to re-evaluate your life. Wow.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

redrain0125   Canada. May 20 2009 03:54. Posts 5455

hahaha nice joke post op
flipping out after a standard run bad session rofl . . .

Newblish   Canada. May 20 2009 04:01. Posts 560

it should be pretty obvious that there is a tone of sarcasm in the way ive been talking. I would think it's pretty obvious that im not serious about alot of the shit ive said : like ftp is rigged or that this shit doesnt happen elsewhere. But this to me was a way to let off steam, and i feel i have every fucking right to. Its my blog, not yours. People can make all sorts of judgements about me after i write that, but in my eyes i think its pretty naive to judge anything based from a guy who is venting his anger after a terrible session.

If nobody wants to read this, then dont. Nobody asked you to. This shit is for me because i felt like it was the only way i could let out some steam.

lol @ disconnected from reality.

im off to bed, i should be fine in the morning.

 Last edit: 20/05/2009 04:02

Loco   Canada. May 20 2009 05:34. Posts 20967

I'm not judging you, I'm observing your ridicule behavior. You're venting your anger after a terrible poker session like it's the end of the world. If running bad against some random fish causes you to have such anger bursts then you DO have some issues and you're certainly not leading a balanced lifestyle and doing everything you can to be successful at poker either. I've never seen such a poor mindset. "I have every fucking right to, it's my blog" who said you didn't? But don't kid yourself, "Most important blog ever"-- I wouldn't have clicked on your stupid blog if it wasn't for the title. You wanted people to read this, you wanted people to feel sympathy for you because you are sooooooooo unlucky in poker and life.

I'm so sorry I couldn't see the sarcasm, its level must be way too high for my meager intellect to understand. You can be sure I won't ever click on your blog again. I mean why would anyone ever want to read this?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 20/05/2009 05:38

mcjinzo   United States. May 20 2009 07:02. Posts 71

lol loco i think your reading way to deep into this post he got owned by a megadonk and vented alot. newblish HU is really swingy even for the best players and eeessspeeecially against a 90 vpip bathshitcrazy donk just say nh and move on to the next and hope he stays.

mcjinzo   United States. May 20 2009 07:06. Posts 71

wow loco i just re read your comment ......... you're kind of a with that

edzwoo   United States. May 20 2009 07:08. Posts 5911

  On May 20 2009 03:01 Newblish wrote:
it should be pretty obvious that there is a tone of sarcasm in the way ive been talking. I would think it's pretty obvious that im not serious about alot of the shit ive said : like ftp is rigged or that this shit doesnt happen elsewhere. But this to me was a way to let off steam, and i feel i have every fucking right to. Its my blog, not yours. People can make all sorts of judgements about me after i write that, but in my eyes i think its pretty naive to judge anything based from a guy who is venting his anger after a terrible session.

If nobody wants to read this, then dont. Nobody asked you to. This shit is for me because i felt like it was the only way i could let out some steam.

lol @ disconnected from reality.

im off to bed, i should be fine in the morning.

Eh, actually, you asked LP to read it in your blog title. Also, I couldn't really catch the sarcastic tone either.

In any case, saying you run worse than anyone here is a pretty bold statement. I've definitely run way worse than this before; it's all in my blog.

Also, check out maynard's old blog when he ran like 30bi under ev.

dahornnn   United Kingdom. May 20 2009 07:39. Posts 693

shit happens man
play through it

terrybunny19240   United States. May 20 2009 11:03. Posts 13829


I don't think anyone would care/be flaming you if you didn't give it such a retarded title. I like to blog to vent steam as well but I usually let people know its going to be a pointless cry blog in the title, so they aren't mislead into wasting their time if they don't want to..

Newblish   Canada. May 20 2009 13:10. Posts 560

  On May 20 2009 04:34 Loco wrote:
I'm not judging you, I'm observing your ridicule behavior. You're venting your anger after a terrible poker session like it's the end of the world. If running bad against some random fish causes you to have such anger bursts then you DO have some issues and you're certainly not leading a balanced lifestyle and doing everything you can to be successful at poker either. I've never seen such a poor mindset. "I have every fucking right to, it's my blog" who said you didn't? But don't kid yourself, "Most important blog ever"-- I wouldn't have clicked on your stupid blog if it wasn't for the title. You wanted people to read this, you wanted people to feel sympathy for you because you are sooooooooo unlucky in poker and life.

I'm so sorry I couldn't see the sarcasm, its level must be way too high for my meager intellect to understand. You can be sure I won't ever click on your blog again. I mean why would anyone ever want to read this?

To be honest, i didn't even realize i had most important in the title. It took me like 20 minutes to write it and i totally forgot my title was what it was. For that i am sorry. I didn't need anyone to read this, it was more or less for myself because i felt by writing it that i could feel like i told someone. Writing is the same as talking, you feel like youve told someone(or whatever for that matter) what happened. and i felt i HAD to "tell" someone because something so ridiculous had never happened to me before.

That being said - no shit i wanted sympathy from whoever actually did read it. I kind of wanted assurance that this shit DOES happen to people and people CAN run this bad. Otherwise i would feel as if its some kind of curse on me or something because the chances of this shit happening in a session are easily next to impossible to happen on a regular basis.

btw - saying you're simply just observing my behavior and then claiming i dont lead a balanced life right in the next sentence IS judging me. You're judging me based on one written blog post. No shit i was pissed off, dont even think of telling me that if you lost 5.5 BI's in less than an hour to a 95VPIP/50%3bet donk that you wouldn't be(at least in SOME way, perhaps i took it slightly further than most people). But the point is - don't even for a second think you know jack fucking shit about the way i live my life or if its balanced. Try to understand wtf i went through if anything considering the circumstances, because in no way will this phase me in the long run. Im going to get the losses back and ill be just fine. This post was simply written "in the moment" as i was in total disbelief and shock when it happened, and things have now settled down. Sorry you didn't pick up on that.

Oh and - So long! Wont be missing you if/when i do write another blog :o

 Last edit: 20/05/2009 13:12

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. May 20 2009 14:32. Posts 10896

i love you newblish
dont give up
spoke to you on msn about it so..

Newblish   Canada. May 20 2009 14:41. Posts 560

forget it everyone, i got over it. I was venting. Its pretty lol what happened to me, but ill deal with it.


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