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NL400 to NL100 Swing

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Sennpu   Canada. May 31 2009 16:01. Posts 1960
In the past 60days i have around 5~8 winnings day.. Seriously i feel so crap it's beyond imagination. I started to play really poorly and even if i take a break for a week my game won't get any better and i feel depressed as soon as i see my bankroll.. Now when i lose 50bb i feel like i run fucking bad and wont hit a shit for another day =/

So Yeah, if any1 feel like talking or w/e just add me through msn

Will be a pleasure to talk since ill prolly take another week/month break -___________________- and will be working on my site prolly. If any1 can help with it would be great as well

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then she ask me my qualities n bad qualities. so i tell her truth and she kinda laugh at me lol. then i ask her for hers and she gtg. i think it going ok. -Floofy 

def_jammer   Germany. May 31 2009 16:29. Posts 1227

ive had a similar time a few months ago the most important thing is to get a positive mindset again. think about other aspects in your life and what you have achieved in poker and when ur playing stay really focused and reduce the number of tables


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