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May, hit a wall

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Exhilarate   United States. Jun 01 2009 02:34. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:13

ShadowDrgn   United States. Jun 01 2009 02:58. Posts 1156

183k hands damn! How many hours was that?

terrybunny19240   United States. Jun 01 2009 03:03. Posts 13829

sick, nice month :D gross ev

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Jun 01 2009 03:09. Posts 5230

zomg ure fkin sick

vegable   United States. Jun 01 2009 03:30. Posts 2453

thats more hands than my whole year mindfreeeeeak!!!

Stir fry Normandy 

SPEWTARD   Peru. Jun 01 2009 04:15. Posts 4306

  On June 01 2009 02:30 vegable wrote:
thats more hands than my whole life mindfreeeeeak!!!

Rise and Shine 

djforever   Canada. Jun 01 2009 04:38. Posts 1510

you sicko grinder. i wish i had that much dedication.

PanoRaMa   United States. Jun 01 2009 05:18. Posts 1655

glad youre doing well man, congrats. i def hate that feeling of "wow if i never played _____ i'd be sooo much happier right now" but the best we can do is clear our minds for next month and get ready to own 

YoMeR   United States. Jun 01 2009 06:13. Posts 12438

shit you grinding machine you.

teach me how to grind like that

eZ Life. 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Jun 01 2009 06:15. Posts 5108

  On June 01 2009 05:13 YoMeR wrote:
shit you grinding machine you.

teach me how to grind like that




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