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50$ Stars for Help (:

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Sennpu   Canada. Jun 07 2009 15:30. Posts 1960
Sorry, i know this is a repost but since im hurting for opinions/advice/ideas/help im trying one last time, as previously said in my blog, Me and my partner started a business site, So we're offering 50$ Stars. 50$ For just a few ideas 3 max per people for a logo. i won't do any explicit advertisement since it's prohibited here so just PM me ur email or w/e so we can discuss about it. The Rules are in my last blog entry, HOWEVER feel free to give away other ideas as well if you are certain it's awesome we might take it in consideration. The Best Idea will get the monies =x Thank you in advance

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then she ask me my qualities n bad qualities. so i tell her truth and she kinda laugh at me lol. then i ask her for hers and she gtg. i think it going ok. -Floofy 

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 07 2009 15:34. Posts 4946

I know you are an upstart business, but your logo is your mark on the world. It's how people remember your band, and remember to look you up. Logo's are very powerful, and very important. $50 is really chump change for any kind of logo. You should consider offering a lot more than this.

bye now 

Sennpu   Canada. Jun 07 2009 15:36. Posts 1960

you are not asked to MAKE THE LOGO, im offering 50$ for 1-2 decent ideas

Brain storming 5min -> 50$ thats a good hourly rate even for NL200~NL400 player oO

then she ask me my qualities n bad qualities. so i tell her truth and she kinda laugh at me lol. then i ask her for hers and she gtg. i think it going ok. -FloofyLast edit: 07/06/2009 15:41

newbie.cjb   United States. Jun 07 2009 15:44. Posts 3096


my lose is a win. my wins are nothing. 

Bejamin1   Canada. Jun 07 2009 15:56. Posts 7042

How about, a giant guinea pig, in a costume, om nom noming a piece of lettuce.

Edit: I think you are at least allowed to say a little bit about what the company/product is on the blog? It's not like you're trying to sell it to us...

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny DramaLast edit: 07/06/2009 15:57

Shenny   Canada. Jun 07 2009 17:29. Posts 1514

A rule is it has to be related to the subject. It would help if we knew what the subject was.

Jubert69   United States. Jun 08 2009 01:29. Posts 3191

Sent a PM but no response.


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