Critterer   United Kingdom. Jun 08 2009 01:01. Posts 5337
Meh fairly annoying/swingy week but ended up so its okay.
Think i played pretty well made a couple of somewhat loose calls/marginal-perhaps-spewy shoves/calls but overall nothing devastating
I played 12.5k hands which for me is a good amount for a week (i played 15k hands last MONTH). If i can continue this pace i can aim for a 50k hand month which would be really nice! 12k vpp away from supernova and i made like 2.6k this week, sooooo maybe end of month if i move up to nl100. Roll is currently like 2.3k, not sure when i take a shot mayb 2.5k i think.
Played some tournaments too, starting to get frustrating though i am getting deep a lot but busting just into/outside the bubble with ridiculous setups, but its all been stupid shit where i cant really do anything (AK vs 22 aipf and miss obv etc)