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StArCuE   United States. Jun 17 2009 03:55. Posts 123
I'm sorry I have not blogged inawile. I had lost like 4k playing 1/2 and was left with like 1.5k to play and had lost a lot of motivation to play poker. I'm really disappointed in myself for that because I am the last person to get discouraged about something when things are going so well. It's kinda like when you get into a slump of losing games on iccup or something. It gets really easy to just stop playing. Like if you don't play starcraft for one day. It's very easy to just stop playing. For me anyways.
However, I've been 24 tbling 25nl and running pretty good and 12 tbling 50nl. Such a nit fest though.
I got a job at Taco Bell at the beginning of the Summer. And I have to be honest. It sux dick. Place is busy like 24/7. But I'm lucky and grateful to have a job and money to play poker. One thing is for sure though I can't wait to go back to school in the Fall. I'll be able to put my 2 weeks at Taco Bell and just focus on school and poker and shit. I'm going to be living in Downtown Denver too where my school is. The place that I'm staying in has the sickest view of the city. It is going to be awesome to finally get out on my own and out of my parents house. Even though I love my parents.
Also I wanted to give a shout out to NeillyAA because whenever I log onto the world wide web I check his blog. And something I really admire about the guy is that he not only blogs when he runs good, but, also when he runs bad. He also vacationed to Vegas and decided not to leave. So he could pursue his goals and learn more about poker and shit. I dunno.. It's just cool to see a guy go for it. I don't know him or have ever talked to him but he seems like a really chill and humble guy.
Anyways, yah I can't wait to start school and move downtown. Btw I love playing Cod 4 and Halo 3 send me a pm if you wanna play. Pce guys.
Btw heres me on a plane watching replays.

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OpWestAcct   United States. Jun 17 2009 04:11. Posts 640

I am rS.Day[9] on the NL 25 tables. If you see me don't fuck with and do not 3 bet me or I'll shove on your ass. And I am awesome at flopping sets.

Fuck me 

hellokittery   United States. Jun 17 2009 04:12. Posts 1399

  On June 17 2009 02:55 StArCuE wrote:
However, I've been 24 tbling 25nl and running pretty good and 12 tbling 50nl. Such a nit fest though.

lol what? are you the one with the jigglypuff avatar on stars? cuz you're one of the biggest nits i've sat with lol

ToTehEastSide   United States. Jun 17 2009 04:48. Posts 1337

fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity 

StArCuE   United States. Jun 17 2009 05:11. Posts 123

Just because I'm a nit doesn't mean 50NL isn't full of them P

noface   United States. Jun 17 2009 07:54. Posts 182


i wouldnt touch a cunnis that raszi has stretched out - Illmatic 

Chewits   United Kingdom. Jun 17 2009 08:44. Posts 2539

24 tabling...


I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 17 2009 11:37. Posts 15163

you 24table 6max?

93% Sure!  

MayZerG   United Kingdom. Jun 17 2009 11:53. Posts 2123

hey nit

I like to hold all the nuts - CrownRoyal 

rgfdxm   United States. Jun 17 2009 12:20. Posts 1514

I remember you and that avatar too. I didn't know you were on LP. I'll start 3betting you.

OpWestAcct   United States. Jun 17 2009 12:51. Posts 640

  On June 17 2009 11:20 rgfdxm wrote:
I remember you and that avatar too. I didn't know you were on LP. I'll start 3betting you.

It's easy - he lets you get away with what ever you want.

Fuck me 

newbie.cjb   United States. Jun 17 2009 17:56. Posts 3096

taco bell? just play 25nl man

my lose is a win. my wins are nothing. 


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