woke up ready to take a shot at nl200 today
but decided to play a bit more of nl100 for a confidence boost, since ive been beating it for like 5.8bb/100 over 56k hands (while still running about 10bi below ev) so i was like YEAHHH LETS CRUSHH YEAHHHHH
since it was liek 6 am my time i decided to just do a 6 table session because i found some fking amazing 60-90% vpip fish , i also played the 15k guar
said fish started playing back at me as i started 3b isoing them , and ended up stacking off to me on J34 with KJo to my AJ, binks his 3 outer in a 4 BI pot, halp
then vs another fish end up getting top top in against his turned set for another 4 BI
then busted out of the guar when super fishy station called my flop OB on 462ddd with Kd7h when i had 66
might play some live tonight, but ffs, hate it when you trap fish and go "YESSSS I GOT YOUUUUU" , then they bink their 5% chance , and leave the table. /rage
honestly tho, im only down 2bi, but just gross cause i should be up around 4-5 or so ..need teh monies to play nl200 yo