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horrible fucking day

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Into Infinity   United States. Jun 26 2009 03:38. Posts 1884

not only were my big hands not being paid off, i was getting hit by some unreal coolers that made me rage

looking at my biggest losers, well whattaya know, KK is up there at the top.

even had to drop down from nl25 to nl10. literally first hand at the table, AQ on the BB, some guy limps and i raise to .50, he calls, i flop top two vs his obv flush

switch to full ring and go break even for like 30 minutes because all i'm doing in nut peddling, raise KK in one hand on the button, flop AA3, check check, turn 2, river king. obv A2.

i can not win at this game anymore

for what it's worth, i'm -400 this month

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joLin   United States. Jun 26 2009 03:42. Posts 3818

its ok ive dropped 2 limits in the last month or so and im down 700 this month.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

ThuNDeR   Bulgaria. Jun 26 2009 04:03. Posts 371

down 1.6k
I consider you lucky

ThiNk DiFFeReNt! 

sChOuA   Switzerland. Jun 26 2009 04:07. Posts 2302

--- Nuked ---

BalloonFight   United States. Jun 26 2009 04:25. Posts 1380

Down 450 this month at nl50. Probably will be my first losing month ever. Guess I'm pretty fortunate if its literally my first losing month of my entire time playing poker.

Into Infinity   United States. Jun 26 2009 04:34. Posts 1884

  On June 26 2009 03:25 BalloonFight wrote:
Down 450 this month at nl50. Probably will be my first losing month ever. Guess I'm pretty fortunate if its literally my first losing month of my entire time playing poker.

same.............le sigh

Critterer   United Kingdom. Jun 26 2009 04:47. Posts 5337

why is june so brutal ? im also down this month~

gl turning it round

LudaHid: dam.ned dam.ned dam.ned. LudaHid: dam.ned northwooden as..hole 

collegesucks   United States. Jun 26 2009 05:13. Posts 5780

lol im up this month

vlseph   United States. Jun 26 2009 05:37. Posts 3026

take a break from poker, i have had one -10 bi month and felt like poker is impossible to win.
just like a couple days or something will do you wonders.

The only hands a nit balances in his range are the nuts, the second nuts, and the third nuts. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 26 2009 06:08. Posts 15163

Yeah June EV is also pwning me -.-

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 26 2009 06:10. Posts 15163

Also, -400 is NOTHING

93% Sure!  

ConquistadoR   Germany. Jun 26 2009 07:03. Posts 1952

also down this month so far.

brutal month =[


kaisr   Canada. Jun 27 2009 19:52. Posts 1058

im down 450 this month at NL50 as well, but i lucksacked a tourney for 1k7 so im up

ortak   Bulgaria. Jun 27 2009 22:24. Posts 83

down 1300$


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