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getting so sick of poker and this nonsense..

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Newblish   Canada. Jul 08 2009 02:30. Posts 560
Though things ended alot better than they could have i just cant help but let off a huge amount of steam after what i would like to call the Bailamn1 #2 session.(read my last blog post if you want to read that story but be warned i was super pissed off and not thinking as clearly when i wrote that).

Basically i just played some huge donk for like 2 hours straight heads up and had all this shit happen to me: (no i dont believe it either. believe me (95% equity fails yet again))

uh, thought there were alot more than that that i saved.. apparently not. There were like 5-6 more extreme bad beats/coolers i took vs this guy but w/e.

He was up to $550 at point point (this is nl100). But my stubborness made me stay because i refused to let this kind of shit happen twice. I did manage to get to $300 vs $300 which is insanely deepstacked. I wanted every penny back from this stupid dipshit. Thankfully i ended up getting some of my money back, but nowhere near enough.

Its just all so fucking annoying.. i mean i ran like absolute dog shit vs him. I just want to vent my frustration yet again because i cant stand this retarded shit.. i just want to run semi-normal in this game.. not get 1 outtered when i flop an ace high flush or have 10 10 vs JJ deepstacked (which ironically happeend earlier when i was the one with JJ but well.. look what happened -

ALllllllllllllll i want is to run semi-normal.. no coolers/bad beats every single session. Please i beg of you o mighty poker gods.

Ok.. rant over.. i would like to thank full tilt poker for its wonderful hospitality in my heads up match. FTP i love you.

Maybe its for the better that this guy left when he did anyway.. if i lost 300BB vs 300BB id absolutely flip out and most likely have nightmares forever. Almost certainly it would have been KK vs AA preflop too or something.

Anyway, lastly - if anyone wishes to comment : how on earth am i supposed to deal with these kinds of ridiculous sessions? I just cant handle the emotional swimg it gives me. I know i was much better than that guy yet he was up 5.5 BI's at one point. Whats worse is im already on an $800 downswing.. Its just so frustrating.

Ok rant REALLY over now. And wow, i think every single blog post so far has been me bitching/venting about how bad i run

Here is a snapshot of the end.


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terrybunny19240   United States. Jul 08 2009 02:40. Posts 13829

300bb stax in hu are pretty standard.. no?

maybe you should get a bigger br if that bothers you..?

Newblish   Canada. Jul 08 2009 02:42. Posts 560

come to think of it, the 10 10 and flopped flush could have been folds when he shoved though they are really close(considering in the 10 10 hand the donk was 3betting 20% of hands at that point.

w/e this isnt a huge deal really, i was kind of caught up in the emotional downswing i was in when he had a $560 stack. Oh well, wasted blog post. :o

terrybunny19240   United States. Jul 08 2009 02:45. Posts 13829

well I mean its np I definitely know what its like to feel incredibly 'argghhhhhh' like this

Newblish   Canada. Jul 08 2009 02:48. Posts 560

normally i leave as soon as its 200BB ++ on each side simply so i can avoid huge variance spots. In this case.. there was literally no way since i quite possibly was against the worst player ever(after a guy named bailman1).

br is enough for nl200.. but $100 is still alot of money to me so it still sucks i guess.. dunno.. just need to learn to control tilt and focus on what i have to do in a match(i did here i suppose.. adapted well and fought back - stubbornness paid off).

realizing that though... maybe i should never take nl400 shots when im able to lol... otherwise a 1 BI loss will be the end of the world for me ;p

SakiSaki    Sweden. Jul 08 2009 04:56. Posts 9685

set a stoploss if you cant handle swings. I dont really think you should be playing hu at all if 5 buyin swings have this affect on you lol

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Fujikura   United States. Jul 08 2009 08:11. Posts 1795

talk about running bad. HU is high variance though, can't get too mad when this kinda bs happens ^o^ Just annoying though... If you want to vent some, lets play some sc

aka SouL)Z(Isadie and SouL)P(Fujikura 


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