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Not a good summer

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SeanBam   . Jul 12 2009 10:02. Posts 953
So with absolutely no success finding jobs in NY for 3 weeks I decided I needed to make a change. My Aunt has a beach house down in Bethany Beach, Delaware and my cousin was living and working there. So I decided to take the 5 hour drive down and look for a job. I go on the boardwalk as soon as I get down there and get two job offers in like an hour. One of them was a wrap shop on the boardwalk and the other was working at like SunSations or some shitty store. Well, I'm desperate, so I called the wrap place and asked him if I could get 40 hours a week and preferably work openings to see if I could get a serving job at night down the road. He said it was no problem and that I would start at $8/ hr then after two weeks be at $9/hr. Whatever it was a job.

So, the next day I go in and he tells me I'll be working 2-3 hours so I figured I would be out by 11 or 12. So I called Sunsations and asked her if I could have a trial day and she said yeah come in at 12:30 - 6:30. Sweeeetttt right? The wrap shop isn't fun but whatever it's money so by 12:00 I'm like yo when am I getting off to the manager because the own told me I was only working 2-3 hours. He was like oh that's how Tim is, you'll always end up working longer. Needless to say, I worked until 5pm that night, missing my opportunity at Sunsations. No big deal, this dude promised me 40 hours. He told me to call the next morning about the schedule and when I would be working. So I called, and they still hadn't had the schedule, that night I called no schedule. Next morning, no schedule, that night I called I finally got Tim. He tells me that some kid from last year just came back and he gave him my job. I of course go off on the guy and tell him how much he had fucked me over with the other job, and how he gave me his word that I would have 40 hours a week. He apologizes but I'm so pissed with this whole summer already.

I tried to stay positive saying that job sucked anyway, and the next morning continued to look for jobs up and down the coast. Went into every restaurant I could find and no one would even offer an application because they were so booked. I had one romanian restaurant tell me they needed a runner, but they never called back of course. So yesterday after no calls I decided to try back to NY.

So, I am feeling extremely low and pretty depressed. I feel like I can't really do anything to get a job everything is dried up. I'm so poor that the only thing I eat is Peanut butter and bread. It's terrible. I have $700 in credit card debt to pay off and now 4 weeks to save up to move into an apartment in Portland, ME and also find a job there. Don't really know what to do, and to add insult over injury things with my girlfriend / wife have been rocky of late.

I don't even have a dime to put on poker and basically use it as my 8 hour a day job and see what I can do. Even $20 a day would get me through. So, I'm asking this last time for a $200 stake for 5nl - 10nl. I know I don't have any graphs or PT tracker to prove I'm a winning player because it was all on an old computer. But I'm asking for someone to trust me, I don't lie ever, and I would never run away with someone's money. I'm asking someone to take a chance on me, I never thought I would be this desperate, but unfortunately I'm basically at rock bottom.

Thank you guys.

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genjix   China. Jul 12 2009 10:21. Posts 2677

$20 is ez. u can play play money sngs and sell off every mil for $10. once you've made ur first 1mil playmoney its ez to play the FR 150k tourneys with 600k 1st place- 9 players, top 3 payoff so its next to 0 volatility.

with the $20 for living, everything else above that contribute to a BR for cash.

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. 

genjix   China. Jul 12 2009 10:32. Posts 2677

just been reading ur blog dont worry u must look up- been there done that and in a similar close situation also myself ) but im keeping on, had highs and lows and in a little low now

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jul 12 2009 11:18. Posts 15163

Hah just like me a few weeks ago :D

But don't worry bro, it will eventually turn to better.

And as for the stake, I am sure you haven't depleted all the $50 free BR offers, there is so many of them out there

93% Sure!  

SeanBam   . Jul 12 2009 13:39. Posts 953

do those apply to U.S players??


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