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Last night and the following morning....

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Cooper83   . Jul 16 2009 13:43. Posts 288
My best friend came to town and we went out last night. Did the whole bar hopping thing got way to drunk etc. Naturally he thought it was a good idea to drive and I was to drunk to think it was a bad idea. On the way to a bar in the busy area known as the square where there's always a ton of cops I decide I need to puke and force him to pull over into a parking lot. Were parked(very poorly) and I'm puking by the bumper when the cop pulls up and asks me how it's going. I say fine, just not feeling so well. They ask if I'm driving I say no, at this point my friend decides moving his car anywhere would be a bad idea as they would be watching us. I agree so we walk to a bar and grab a drink no big deal I've left my car parked there before when I was to drunk to drive. After the drink at the bar we call it a night and walk the 4 miles home staggering drunk. On the way we naturally walk through the Taco Bell drive through for food where we order 20 tacos for the two of us. We finally get back and we grab a couple beers and just relax. Eventually we passed out, pretty normal night out when we get together. We woke up this morning around 11am and I take him to go get his car only to find out that there is some festival going on downtown so his car got towed. At this point the rage starts to set in, he has quite a temper which was honestly hard to keep a straight face. You have to realize things like this just happen to him, he is literally a shit magnet, bad things that rarely happen to any normal person always happen to him. So we go to get his car and he finds out it's gonna cost $170 to get it out. I'm splitting it with him, but yeah outside of the money it's fricken hilarious cause it's him.

Another example of the random bad things that happen to him, were at a nice restaurant where he knows one of the waitresses. We finish eating and he has to drop a deuce and because he's dating the waitress he doesn't want to at the nice restaurant(he's an idiot). So we leave the restaurant and go across the street to McDonalds where he proceeds to relieve himself. He was in such a hurry to get into the stall he didn't really investigate much which was mistake number 2. So he comes back out to the car and I smell something awful, we start investigating to find out the source only to realize that his pants are covered in someone elses shit from the bathroom floor and it's all over him. Needless to say it was insanely hilarious but another one of those only him moments which bring such joy to everyone else.

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Fujikura   United States. Jul 16 2009 14:04. Posts 1795


aka SouL)Z(Isadie and SouL)P(Fujikura 

ConquistadoR   Germany. Jul 16 2009 14:08. Posts 1952

Hahahah nice story poor friend though.. he seems to be running under EV a lot


k2o4   United States. Jul 16 2009 15:12. Posts 4803

lol @ the mcdonalds story, that's horrible and hilarious 

milkman   United States. Jul 16 2009 15:23. Posts 5719

LOL car towed sux but mcdonalds story is fuckin funny.. i hate life runbad moments

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

TheTank   United States. Jul 16 2009 15:48. Posts 830

2nd story is gold...

sigh...its like they are throwing money out of a helicopter and i dont have any i just break even. 

Shenny   Canada. Jul 16 2009 16:07. Posts 1514

rofl, cheers to "that friend." We all have had one or currently have one.

Thall   Switzerland. Jul 16 2009 17:20. Posts 355

lol must be awesome to hang out with this guy

barbieman   Sweden. Jul 16 2009 18:43. Posts 2132

lol, how does somebody shit outside of the toilet?

Cooper83   . Jul 16 2009 18:49. Posts 288

Yeah Ryan's pretty epic when it comes to random shit that occurs not to mention the drunk nonsense that I get us involved in. As for shitting outside a toilet I have no idea personally I'm pretty happy about not knowing tbh.

zaragyemo   United States. Jul 16 2009 19:12. Posts 135

  On July 16 2009 12:43 Cooper83 wrote:
So he comes back out to the car and I smell something awful, we start investigating to find out the source only to realize that his pants are covered in someone elses shit from the bathroom floor and it's all over him. Needless to say it was insanely hilarious but another one of those only him moments which bring such joy to everyone else.

ROFL! Almost feeling bad laughing at others expense - would suck if that had happened to me.

Cooper83   . Jul 16 2009 22:17. Posts 288

I may start blogging about chronicles of Ryan for the entertainment of you all.


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