Joeingram1 United States. Jul 17 2009 03:50. Posts 943 | | |
Almost have achieved my goal of 10K at NL100 this month. Last few days have just been taking it pretty easy and working on my tan. Still have not had a losing session since my big 53 BI downswing a few weeks ago. Have been switching back to 6max and full ring with most of my play being at 6max lately. I have also started playing some more HU play and doing pretty well. I started a session today and found myself 2 tabling 2 people and playing a few other random fish. Felt I did pretty well and was immidieatly down about 3 BI losing flips and came back to end about +2 BI so I was happy with that. Feel like my heads up game is improving alot, my results for just HU play at all tables is really good and I should probably try to play more in the future. I really wish I didn't have that big ass downswing, my 4.5ptbb/100 winrate would be like 6 or 7 which would be sick awesome but meh, can't change it now, just have to avoid having another one.
Last 40 BI I have just been crushinggggggggg hard, 10k hands +40BI

I am almost out of the negative on table ratings also finally, now I just need to not lose 10k+ at higher stakes and keep it positive when i get there!! I really wish they had all my nl100 hands I have played since september but o well, people can assume I am still down monies.
fenner Australia. Jul 17 2009 04:13. Posts 2188 | | |
gl mate, hopefully wont hit another swing just before the end |
Nazgul Netherlands. Jul 17 2009 05:02. Posts 7080 | | |
You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmo | |
TimDawg United States. Jul 17 2009 05:12. Posts 10197 | | |
wow ur HEM screenshots from ur last few blog posts are very impressive
gj and gl improving more |
online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball | |
andrewcbr Czech Republic. Jul 17 2009 05:14. Posts 373 | | |
sick work ethic - how many tables r u playing at once?
massive amount of hands and really really gr8 results, well done!
congrats |
P1mpdaddy Austria. Jul 17 2009 05:27. Posts 1370 | | |
wow great results
If you feel like coaching / sweeting just pm me  |
NeillyJQ United States. Jul 17 2009 05:30. Posts 8947 | | |
great job sir, always an inspiration |
Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 http://www.pocketfives.com/profiles/neillyaa/ | |
Uptown . Jul 17 2009 08:06. Posts 3557 | | |
Sloverville United States. Jul 17 2009 08:28. Posts 232 | | |
How do you play 26/20 24-tabling? |
SPEWTARD Peru. Jul 17 2009 10:06. Posts 4307 | | |
CruiseR Poland. Jul 17 2009 10:20. Posts 682 | | |
[x] 9bb/100 over 100k hand sample @ nl100 24 tabling
[x] sick |
Fox . Jul 17 2009 10:27. Posts 3110 | | |
Bejamin1 Canada. Jul 17 2009 11:24. Posts 7042 | | |
You are a sick, sick man. GJ hero. |
Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama | |
hoylemj United States. Jul 17 2009 11:45. Posts 840 | | |
so....how do you do this?
EscapingR Netherlands. Jul 17 2009 12:04. Posts 2353 | | |
rofl this is from this month... holy ...  |
k2o4 United States. Jul 17 2009 12:18. Posts 4803 | | |
sick heater at the end! I want one!
crazy grinding man, way to go |
blackjacki2 United States. Jul 17 2009 14:04. Posts 2582 | | |