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Cooper83   . Jul 23 2009 17:04. Posts 288
The last couple days I've been logging a lot of hands and working on playing a bit more laggy which is actually improving my game immensely. It's also put me in a couple rather tough spots that I'm not sure how standard/spewy they are. In the two pots I have in mind I'm playing against a villian somewhere in the
35-40/27-30/15-18% 3bet range.

The first hand I raised mp with A/Qo got 3bet and flatted flop came Q/2/2 rainbow, villian bets $7 into $14.25 I raise to $24 and he flats. Turn brings 8 still rainbow he checks I jam he calls flips over Q/Q GG me. Now is this standard or spewy, if I'm calling a 3bet this is pretty much a dream flop. Should I slow down the turn when he flats the flop and re-val the river although I don't see how I can fold to a jam?

2nd hand I 4bet A/J in position board came J high he checked I checked back, turn didn't change anything he checked I jammed he called with K/K and I stacked off. This is a bit more spewy although the error was preflop, post I think it's standard. Not really if I should play this any different post flop or not? Your thoughts?

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joLin   United States. Jul 23 2009 17:11. Posts 3818

i'd flat the flop with AQ, no need to raise here imo.

2nd hand im not sure you should be 4betting AJ unless you have a good read on the guy.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

k2o4   United States. Jul 23 2009 17:15. Posts 4803

hand 1 sounds standard

hand 2 pre was horrible but then u r stacking post - this is why pre is so bad 

SpeedyJack   United States. Jul 23 2009 18:03. Posts 618

you 4bet AJ?

TremendousGats   Canada. Jul 23 2009 18:10. Posts 467

hand 1- we have to think what type of hands are 3 betting pre flop, then flatting are raise on bone dry flop , not to many except AA,KK,QQ and AQ imo. Then villian checks back to you so he can c/rai with the nuts. you got outplayed. I like your flop raise, but after he calls flop with no draws on board our one pair is usually beat. check back turn. im probably calling a half pot bet on river and folding to anything bigger.

hand 2- Im not sure what stakes your playing, but it looks like NL50. At these stakes AJ is dominated when villian 4bets almost every time. Unless we have history im never 5betting AJ at nl50. AS played, why jam,are you trying to push him off his hand? What hands are we getting value from by jamming ?

How you want it, bars or bullets?Last edit: 23/07/2009 18:17

Cooper83   . Jul 24 2009 01:13. Posts 288

  On July 23 2009 17:03 SpeedyJack wrote:
you 4bet AJ?

Yes he was 3betting me a lot

 Last edit: 24/07/2009 01:16

Cooper83   . Jul 24 2009 01:14. Posts 288

BTW hand 1 villian is out of BB

Cooper83   . Jul 24 2009 01:16. Posts 288

oops sorry double post

 Last edit: 24/07/2009 01:17

Cooper83   . Jul 24 2009 01:32. Posts 288

  On July 23 2009 17:03 SpeedyJack wrote:
you 4bet AJ?

Yes brutal play pre, but lets focus post?


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